Random questions to which you seek an answer
@Giles is this a genuine collab with Big Red Machine? Surprising if it is…
Interested to know how that came about, if that can be discussed in an open forum…
I don't check that frequently, but was surprised to see it.
A lot of the London and Surrey Chapters buy IH and regularly pop down here. They've been to a couple of our parties too. Believe it or not, a thoroughly nice, courteous and polite bunch of chaps, always amazingly charming with Paula…..
I thought I'd put my foot in it one day when the President of the London Chapter asked me if he could have a jacket we were sampling, I said "we don't make samples for fat fuckers", there was an awkward silence, then he pissed himself laughing
Like the new paper bags, very cool! What does it say?
can someone please tell me more about the SR denim? in particular, a comparison to the UHR.