Repairs & Modifications
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After the successful modification by CeeFlair Clothing & Embroidery to my August Fifteenth A2 Deck Jacket where I had U.S.N. embroidered above the breast pocket I felt ready to explore more. Whilst (unsuccessfully) searching for stencils I found this stencil template and Ceeflair provided me with this emboidery sample so my jacket is now with them having this new piece of emboidery added to the top of my right arm. Photo to follow upon receipt of jacket;
Whilst on a repair & modification journey I decided to add some badges to my USAAF Type B-15 Jacket. The jacket, as standard, comes with an "Army Air Forces" print at the top of the left arm. I have purchased three badges and am waiting for them to be stitched to the jacket in the positions shown below;
Great patches & placements! That’s gonna be one killer jacket
@den1mhead Great examples of how cool well thought out and executed personal modifications can be. I consider this kind of thing regularly but don't feel like I have the eye for it.
Great patches & placements! That’s gonna be one killer jacket
@den1mhead Great examples of how cool well thought out and executed personal modifications can be. I consider this kind of thing regularly but don't feel like I have the eye for it.
Cheers peeps. When I was in the RAF patches were important for identification purposes as name, rank and squadron were all necessary and present on your flying suit. The embroidery comes with a bit more risk and reward due to its increased level of permanence.
It only took me 3 years and a pandemic to get around to sewing this on my backpack.
Received my August Fifteenth A2 Deck Jacket back from CeeFlair Clothing & Embroidery today with a second piece of embroidery added to the original U.S.N. piece that they did for me two weeks ago. Really happy with the second piece and think it works really well with the U.S.N. To say I was originally going down the stencil route, but was unable to source anything suitable, I am over the moon with the outcome;
@goosehd - as Iron Heart offer free repairs for life I'd get them addressed sooner rather than later.
I have just ordered three patches to embellish my IHM-13-KHA, Khaki Cotton Satin Thinsulate CWU-45P Type Flight Jacket. Patches A,B & C will be stitched to locations A,B & C on the jacket. A photo to follow after receipt of patches and completion of stitch work.
The patches arrived from Germany so waiting to have them stitched to my IHM-13-KHA jacket . . . .
Love the Lockheed Martin patch - local Fort Worth plant employed a lot of my friends parents and our next door neighbor growing up
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