Mister Freedom
Mechanic Shirt in White with Navy Stitching
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That is one good looking shirt!
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I’m really liking it! I had the indigo covert one for years and let it go after it got too small, so when I realized HQ still had white I took a gamble - and very happy I did!
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Great shirt Appfaff. I have the black one and need to wear it more.
I did pick up the veste ouvrier recently in new condition. It is probably my favorite jacket but I am too nervous to get it to faded status since they are so hard to find
Fantastic fit and what a find!
I forgot they made the black mechanic shirt! Post up pics.. can’t recall I’ve ever seen one!
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Cracking shirt @Appfaff and love the liberty cuffs. Here's a picture of me in my Mister Freedom Denim Drover Blouse . . . .
Many thanks gents - den1m that jacket looks fantastic - always loved the little leather accents..
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OG ISSUE Liberty Belt - purchased when Jcrew stocked the Naval and parts of the Speed Safe collection.
Was on sale for $17 I believe haha [emoji38]
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Haha i bought mine and an OG handkerchief for under $40!!
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same story @Anesthetist ?? Jcrew clearance ?? lol
So a few weeks ago, when the crew at MFSC HQ teased a storage unit being found and some oldies surfacing, I figured it was just some stock from closed down retailers from a few years ago.. I had no clue it had my ultimate grail item…
Also, somehow I swooped in and snagged an original 189 CPO (pre liberty and OD edition) where it was really just a long utility shirt with snaps..
Both items are HUGE on me, and since I’m sure they were in non-climate controlled storage unit somewhere, the elements may have already “environmentally sanforized” them to some degree through humidity exposure, but I put both through a warm soak, some agitation and rinse + spin and hoping they work!
For fun.. pre soak fits lol [emoji23]
I’m actually excited to wear the 189 as a shirt - it’s only 6oz, but it bled a blue green indigo like crazy, so can’t wait to see how it evos!
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Wow, good find!
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Very cool appfaff! I’ve always lusted after the denim riders myself!….can’t be many dead stock pairs left..
I “may” have gotten the last pair.. at least the final pair from MFSC HQ.. I has been asking them for years if any had popped up, so when they teased the random lot on IG, I knew exactly what I was looking for haha [emoji23]
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Well played!
if you end up not loving them… I might know a guy. -
Well, the Shrunk… a ton! I haven’t seen this much shrink since a pair of Warehouse in 2009...
I believe the 5-8% disclaimer on the tag for sure
Denim in sanely stiff, and feels super beefy for 14oz. I could stand to lose a little more in the leg and length, but overall, these are great and the slightly lower rise than my chino riders does help with comfort when sitting.
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