IHSB-C3J - Simmons Bilt/Iron Heart C3 Jacket
Breaking in nicely.
Is it Winter yet?? One of my cupboards smells of sheep in the warm weather!
Finally cool enough!
Thanks Gents. Super happy with how it worked out…
Out in the wild in my IHSB-C3J Iron Heart X Simmons Bilt C3 Style Jacket
Hi folks (New member here - looks like a great forum)
Do any existing owners have sizing tips for the IHSB-C3J?
How many inches of additional room over your chest measurement are needed e.g. to wear over a knitted sweater or denim jacket?
What size did you order relative to your other IH jackets?
Peanuts -
@peanuts I've pm'd you
@peanuts I've pm'd you
I’m sure den1mhead has some great advice for you. For my part I would go with your IH shirt size. That should still give you room for layers.
Thanks @neph93 & @den1mhead - appreciate it!