WAYWT - The Hard Labour Edition aka "Working in your workwear".
[Insert pimp entrance GIF]
Haha I posted this in the wrong thread if you feel like moderation @neph93
I did mention being a pimp
Haha great combo tho
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks a lot
I’m a bomber (industrial radiographer) X-raying this vessel -
Yeah looking for defects in welds, castings, forgings and carbon fibre. Worked on aircraft, power stations, refineries, sports cars, motor bikes loads of things.
Interesting. In the Carbon Fibre work, what are you looking for internal cracks? voids?
Interesting. In the Carbon Fibre work, what are you looking for internal cracks? voids?
Looking at the gaps in aluminium honey cone.
Zippo's great, is the defect that there's a flint gone astray
The one with a flint at the bottom is not a zippo. Look at the hinge (zippo hinges are shite) it's a Carson's war armour machined out of solid titanium.