The Evolution of Iron Heart
That snow down there should be envy of the Indigo! Give it some….
I am reluctant to do that because I just washed them and the yard is like a giant mud wrestling pit. But I wear them pretty much constantly and even sleep in them a lot.
My 19oz indigo/blacks after 9 months more or less continuous lock-down wear, and 2 or 3 washes…...
Those look great. I do love jeans with colored weft.
My cuffs are getting shredded.
Oh I am enjoying beating the shit out of these. I rolled the cuff up a little so it'll wear next to where the crease wore through. I plan in wearing these for the rest of the year or until I get a blow out.
In my view, the IH 18oz double indigo is one of the very best denims the brand has ever produced. And in my 10 years on the forum, I've tried more than I can remember (all fantastic in their own way of course).
While I don't post here as much as I used to, now that discussion seems to be in the air about bringing back some double indigo, I wanted to post photos of my now-retired IH-666SII.
I don't recall the exact wear/wash history but I think these were my main jeans for about 18 months, with an initial soak and then the first proper wash around seven months in. Think they have had two or maybe three washes in total.
BOOM! Marvelous pair of pants! Great to see your post @babyknight, thanks for calling attention to the Sii denim. I am in complete agreement with your sentiments.
Here’s my 634sii. Too many wears and washes to count. These are all older pics, they are further along than this now, but old pics are better than no pics!
Do it!
Indigo x Indigo Tonal 21, or 21/23, or 25oz again (PIHDCS)
brilliant photos @adam313
@Alex maybe part of it could be answered by how sales of the 19IB and 14IB have done? I have the sense from the forum that contrast stitching gets more love (and is my personal preference, though when a pair is truly faded I think tonal looks fantastic). Though I get there are way more contrast vs tonal in the offering.
I am rocking the 14IB right now and love them but for whatever reason the product threads don't seem to attract much attention.
I wonder if we did them with tonal stitching they would get more love?
I just so happen to be wearing my 633 18oz ii that are tonal and I gotta say they are just brilliant.
I know I talked to G on the Instagram video about the 25oz ii, but I would love a few pairs of 18oz too.
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OR, talk him into RE-RUNNING another batch. That way Pronto and IHUK can share the massive load of pairs and sell them all and BOOM, now we have momentum.