Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
I mean. ISFS.
Extrema Ratio LE & Andrew Jordan Grizzly
My everyday knife. Benchmade Griptillian.
I recently bought a new fixed blade knife. It's not an ultra expensive, high quality one, but I do like the Designer (Torbe Custom Knives) and this collab was simply much more affordable then his original works.
Also I found out that it is actually illigal to carry my trusted old Benchmade folder here in Germany (which I do since almost 20 years). Frigging wankers that made weapon laws are incompetence in person. I could carry that Real Steel monster, but not the Benchmade folder.
Also I found out that it is actually illigal to carry my trusted old Benchmade folder here in Germany (which I do since almost 20 years). Frigging wankers that made weapon laws are incompetence in person. I could carry that Real Steel monster, but not the Benchmade folder.
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Loving that Benchmade, @Cole. I've had one for many years – impressive build quality.
I just dug this Lakota out from my knife drawer and polished it up. Come to find out, Lakota went under many years ago. What a bummer. Such a lovely knife even though it has a mirror polish which isn't much to my liking.
Thanks, @henry_david . The Benchmade is realy a piece of art and the best build knive I ever had (I'm not a knive nut, so that doesn't mean much
@Cole Those Osbourne designed benchmades are a really great, a real case of form and function working together. Super compact and easy to carry, and yet a lot of blade for the size. I had one with a coated blade and didn't really like the coating so I sold it (I am a knife nut, and we tend buy and sell knives like nothing).
Knife laws are the worst. Being in the US, we actually have a pretty easy time but there are still some states/cities that have silly laws that seem to be written by someone who doesn't even understand how a folding knife is built.
Any recs for a leathr sheath maker? I wanna snag an aftermarket one for the knife above that's got a horizontal orientation.
Knife laws are the worst. Being in the US, we actually have a pretty easy time but there are still some states/cities that have silly laws that seem to be written by someone who doesn't even understand how a folding knife is built.
You must be referring to San Francisco, @tvenuto
I live there and it's ridiculous. I want to own an OTF however that'd practically make me a felon!
Ha I actually wasn't referring to any one place in particular, but I (did) travel a bit and it was always a pain to try to decipher knife laws where I was going. I'm lucky that in MD most jurisdictions don't have length limits on folding knives, but they make up for it with other dumb stuff.
Updated 7
Snagged a little horizontal pull sheath from Texas. Digging it.
Just began carrying this again after many years of not doing so. Phill Hartsfield, Sr. kozuka made with A2. What I didn't know is that Hartsfield influenced Emerson and helped Emerson get his first special ops contract, etc.
Either way, I adore this thing.
That thing is awsome!
Last year when I was hiking on Svalbard one of the guides had a knife that attracted my attention. First, I thought it was a puukko (from Finland, also great knives, different story) but it turned out to be Sami knife.
The Sami are the indigenous Finno-Ugric people inhabiting northern Skandinavia (historically known in English as Lapps or Laplanders, but these terms are regarded as offensive by some Sámi people). Sami knives have been made and used for centuries, with more or less the same shape and materials. The handle is generally made from birch, the blade from carbon steel and the sheath from reindeer leather. They are definitely not delicate, but strong tools for everything from wood cutting to butchering tasks.
When we were in Karasjok in northern Norway I had the chance to visit Knivesmed Strømeng a traditional knife maker for Sami knives. You can visit their workshop and see how the knives are made. And of course you can choose knives from a variety of sizes (not much variation in style though, since they are all traditional).
This is the one I got:
The blade is 20 cm, total 32cm.
It feels very durable and I like the traditional aspect. Should be a life-long companion.
Check out their website if you're interested. They do international orders (I think, via contact). -
Lovely backstory, @endo
I happen to adore fixed blades over folders myself and can appreciate this sorta thing. Looking at that site this very moment lol
That thing is absolutely badass @endo
I would love a nice fixed blade but you can't take them anywhere here without going to directly to jail, do not collect £200 etc.
That thing is absolutely badass @endo
I would love a nice fixed blade but you can't take them anywhere here without going to directly to jail, do not collect £200 etc.
It's that bad there?? I'm in San Francisco (tied with Los Angeles for the most restrictive knife laws in CA) and I can carry a fixed blade under 3" in my pocket. Anything larger must be open carry (like a machete :D).