IH-805 - 21oz Indigo Selvedge Denim Double Knee Overalls
Haha wow yeah, now I see it! My wife is 5’2” also.
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Luke the longboi of the bib
Heading for another blowout.
Editing for better picture
They're starting to stink so they are going to get washed again soon.
Those are looking epic, Mike. You wearing those all day, everyday rn? I know that I am…
Yessir I sure am. This is why they stink.
You’ve been bibbed, chair (the Mrs is going to kill me
Dude… So I noticed that our cute vintage dinette set... has a blue chair now
Just tryna do my part here.
@henry_david sounds like you're in bigger trouble than me, this is just a cheapo flat-pack chair and desk I picked up when I thought I'd be working at home for 6 weeks. A year and a half later….
@henry_david just have a good sit on all of them and tell her that they were always blue, though that would technically be gaslighting
GREAT pic @henry_david
Thanks dude! Dual carry's never been easier.
Does the founder of the Brotherhood himself (@trail and arrow) wanna submit a pic, too?
Sorry for being slow responding, but I'm still in the grip of the LongCovidShit, spending 30% of my time bedridden on painkillers.
I will certainly contribute when the power switch is turned back on. CheersIn the meantime:
Wow! Those are Purdy! [mention]trail and arrow [/mention] get well soon buddy
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Lots of love @trail and arrow I sincerely hope you feel better soon. XX
Washy washy
The surface tension holding the water into this rosette is so cool IRL. Picture doesn’t do it justice
Also, I just noticed this today… these things have always been the weakest link on every pair of bibs I’ve owned..
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