Random Announcements
Aaah travelling… My mate's going on holiday to Romania, to join his partner visiting family there... He's crossing Germany, Austria and Hungary... As he's taking his two young kids, he plans on doing it in five days... But the Covid-19 related safety rules differ everywhere... In Germany they even differ from state to state...
And all I can think: give us a good book, a glass of rosé wine, and you'll find it difficult to make me leave Belgium...
My first first child “Arthur” is born on Thursday Evening.
Can’t get my eyes of him.Very thankful and happy
It’s pretty easy here. Just walk into any place in any state wearing a Lynyrd Skynyrd tee shirt with a gun in your hip, demand some vaping supplies, shout some obscenities and roll out. It’s working really well.
You live in Tennessee, too?!
Happy 35th bday to my beautiful wife who won’t be reading this. That said, I just bought $365 pants, a $200 espresso machine, a $100 belt, $60 worth of running shorts, $20 aftershave, $25 shaving cream, $20 pomade and I’ve got my eyes in some new running shoes.
@Matt Dude,You're gong to be needing those running shoes,when all that stuff comes in.
I slept for over 16 hours. Man, I needed that.
@Filthy how??? Man I wish I could do that but I think I've gotten too old for that shit haha…
My old pal diphenhydramine HCL. I hadn't had a good night sleep in about two weeks, and went from day shift to nights, and then back to days.
I tried to grow chillis on a windowsill a last year, but the cat kept flattening them and knocking the flowers off