I would like you to leave this room if you don't like the JOHN WICK sequels so us, sophisticated, intelligent, knowledgeable folk can continue to discuss the art of the movie…
I'm re-watching TRANSPORTER 2 in a bit and am gonna download NOBODY for tomorrow morning…
Have you watched Rogue City @Seul ? Love it, great pacing and acting another winner from Olivier Marchal.
Mosul is worth seeing as well. -
Watched The Sound Of Metal last night,about a drummer who looses his hearing. Was initially not going to watch it but it’s getting a lot of nominations/Oscar buzz. Not really sure how I feel about it. Curious if anyone else had seen it?
@den1mhead put me onto this film a month or two ago. I love it. It has so many subtext, what defines 'normal', what it means to fit in somewhere or nowhere. My closest mate, and drummer in the band I played in has gone through a similar thing for years, rather than hearing loss he has neurological damage. Sometimes he is suicidal, almost impossible to go on, but somehow he holds it together.
It's a great film, in my intimation.
Finally got around to watching Hillbilly Elegy. Heart breaking and ultimately uplifting. A brilliant film. Glenn Close is astounding.
@den1mhead another definite recommendation if you and @Black Orchid haven't watched it yet.
Finally got around to watching Hillbilly Elegy. Heart breaking and ultimately uplifting. A brilliant film. Glenn Close is astounding.
@den1mhead another definite recommendation if you and @Black Orchid haven't watched it yet.
Cheers buddy for the recommendation. Jules has been wanting to watch it so today's the day
It's so nice going back, right? I went to see the Sparks doc a couple weeks ago, and both being in the theater and the movie itself were fantastic. God I missed it.
It looks beautiful and the cast is out of this world. I love the Lynch movie, and Dune is my favorite book; still, I can't wait.
I do have a couple issues with the trailer already though. One is the worm refusing to finalize its attack on Paul, which is not in the book. Second is that Chani sounds winy talking about how the Harkonens are killing her people, when the book is clear that it were the Fremen's killing Raban's troops. Finally the armor in Paul's desert fight scene (again the smugglers I suppose) is gimmicky.
It doesn’t always bother me when movies aren’t faithful to their source material. I like how Douglass Adams encouraged every version of Hitchhikers Guide to be its own thing. I enjoy being able to get something out of both the nook and the movie without it being repetitive. I don’t know if that’s what’s going on here but I’m open to it.
+1 for super excited about Dune. It is such a fantastic book that doing it justice in a movie is a challenge, but I have a good feeling about this one.
I enjoy Lynch's Dune. I don't always mind deviations from a book as I have it in my mind's eye, and I found Lynch's imagining of the story pretty decent, probably because I never had the expectation that it would perfectly reflect what Herbert put in my head when I read it. If Villaneuve can get closer to that vision, so much the better, but I will watch without the weight of that expectation.
I’m very very excited about the Villeneuve Dune. I feel like the Lynch version isn’t very successful as an adaptation, but it’s plenty awesome as a typically weird Lynchian thing, and that’s really all it needs to me, IMO. I mean, he could fart in a bag and I’d watch it.
I was always a big fan of Villeneuve, but I’ve gotta say that he went so far above expectations on Blade Runner that I expect Dune to knock it out of the park.
Team Fartrunner
Something I've mentioned before, but freedom of info requests have really exposed… Marvel and Jack Ryan fans take particular note
Just got back from the new Candyman movie. It was a great movie in its own right, and as a continuation of the original film.