Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
Went to Red Rocks recently and forgot I had a knife on me when I got to security. I went to the base of the stairs and threw it behind a boulder. Was able to grab it on the way out.
The knife in question was a cheap Chinese liner lock by Land. I really love it and it’s nice to have a beater that I can be so careless with. It’s built well, opens and locks up perfectly, blades perfectly centered, and it feels great in the hand. Sure the finishing is minimal, but if I lose it I won’t care much.
I’m not afraid to beat up my expensive knives, but I’d be gutted to lose them. So I EDC this thing pretty regularly and it’s been a great blade for me:
@mclaincausey that looks like the CR sebenza's chinese cousin
Yes! I do have a sebbie too and those are knives that scream to be treated as knives, but I don’t feel quite as cavalier about using it.
So you like your delica @henry_david ? I have a carbon fiber scaled native 5 I got for an insanely good price at a boat show of all aces a couple years ago. I have a dragonfly 2 with green frn scales I love that used to be my toes around EDC, but it was a tick small
Those are sick knives, @Joberwocky
Yeah, the Delica 4's been my go-to dgaf knife and it shows
Recently it's been my "open Iron Heart packages" knife, but I've been thrilled with it for a few years now
Spyderco Native 5 carbon fiber -
DAMN @Joberwocky – that's a special one
Thanks @henry_david . It's built like a tank, grippy as all get out, and the blade steel is fantastic. I asked about your delica because I very nearly picked one up with purple scales before finding this, like I mentioned, 50% off at the Annapolis Boat Show (Spyderco actually had a booth there). The Delica is the big brother to the other knife I mentioned, though I bought my dragonfly for the insane ZDP-189 steel used in the blade
Damn that thing's seen some use
Haha, ended up giving it to my wife
Wound up grabbing a Benchmade Osborne 940 at a local shop a couple days ago. Just checked all the boxes I was looking for.
Aww man, if that the green aluminum bodied one with the purple spacer and axis lock? If so, I really dig that knife, weird in a good way and something I've had my eye on for a while
yep that's the one! they had the same one with a black handle as well, but I liked the green.
I finally got my Mikov. It's a lot lighter weight than I had expected. It's a beautiful quality knife. But the spring seems kind of flimsy like it doesn't spring open with authority like my other switchblades do. I will probably remove the spring and wrist flick it open so it is legal to carry. I like my two Due Boui switchblades a lot better. But this one is way prettier.
@Joberwocky That's a solid choice of blade there mate! Mine has never let me down. The ZDP-189 steel is a worthy upgrade indeed. So impressed, I've bought them as gifts for a few choice mates, all of whom rave about them.
Very smart that @Filthy
Digging the Damascus
@Joberwocky That's a solid choice of blade there mate! Mine has never let me down. The ZDP-189 steel is a worthy upgrade indeed. So impressed, I've bought them as gifts for a few choice mates, all of whom rave about them.
Thanks @GC the ZDP is what originally brought me to Spyderco, and aside from having the spring clip screw occasionally loosen up, I was overall super happy with the Dragonfly.