Repairs & Modifications
I realized the stitches on my 822 were coming out. So I used my awl and some kevlar to repair them while preserving the original stitch as much as possible.
Final product
I got a new mod and I covered the pleather with a piece of XHS. Pictured left is my old old with the indigo duck. it faded to black from being so dirty. It's now my work mod and the new one will be my not at work mod.
I've got an old Aegis legend as my backup @Filthy. I also have some 21oz offcuts, so quite tempted to give it a go. Did you just hot glue it?
Just the screws from the mod. No glue or anything.
We need a new thread called «Filthy’s down time crafting». Good work all round mate.
I got some vintage 1930s metal buttons and replaced the buttons on what is now my favorite hot weather shirt. I also used vintage Talon mercerized cotton thread from the 50s. It was made in Meadville, Pennsylvania. It very closely matches the thread on the inside of the shirt.
…that's righteous! @Filthy
That's awesome @Filthy , I've been looking to pick up some vintage cat's eye buttons and replace the ones on my blue 7oz flannel. Whered you find yours?
To Etsy!
Like what you've done with the shirt, Mike
I got these cedar pouches and large 3 gallon Ziploc bags so I can store my unworn jeans that aren't in rotation. They hang neatly on these heavy duty copper hangers I have. I can fit two pairs in each bag.
Much like Reuben's car jack, I got this waistband stretcher online for free. (Don't ask :)) and I plan on using it when I hand wash my jeans. I'll probably put it inside a large Ziploc bag so I can adjust it tight then seal the bag watertight. I might mod the wood on here to make it thicker too. Or get another and use two at the same time. One for the waist and one for the seam below the waist and yoke.