@Soleamp my parents have had four over the past 18 years but these are my first ones separately yes. It has been getting better, though still obviously lots of work. The first few weeks were crazy!!! We are taking them on a small hike in the mountains today.
Yours is so cute! Haha looking forward to when mine get bigger.
@Oaktavia Man, they are so cute when they are puppies…and then I remember having a puppy, haha. I still have pants with holes in the back from those baby shark teeth. I'll post another pic below...only because I have more pictures of the dog than I do of my kids. They really are the best dogs!
@Dmart Yeah, I think all labs/goldens have very selective hearing. My kind of looks at me out of the side of his eye when he's in trouble or doesn't want to do something.
@bob_z Great shot and great looking dog! I used to have a shepherd/ridgeback mix (at least that is what we think she was). I'll have to dig up a pic.
lovely dog @bob_z like the chapeau too
Nice Airedale @Aetas! My sweet 10 1/2 year old Holly recently completed her 6th and final round of chemo after a splenectomy earlier this year. Cancer sucks, but she's doing great, and we have our fingers crossed that it won't pop back up elsewhere any time soon!
Here she is finishing chemo and on a recent camp trip in Colorado with my parents' Welsh Terrier (basically her mini me).
I'm not sure if I've ever posted about this here before, but we have a kitty Phineas with cerebellar hypoplasia, which results in quite uncoordinated movement. He has a completely oversized personality and kind of took off on an instagram we created for his foster mom to keep up with him a few years back. While he doesn't get quite the same insane amount of views as a few years ago, he still has ~half a million followers: Despite a lot of requests, we don't make much merchandise because we hate generating useless junk that's going to end up in a landfill. But, the couple times we've made shirts, we've donated 100% of the proceeds to awesome and important charities (Best Friends Animal Society, ASPCA, UNCF, Jaguars En La Selva, $10k+ donated to date). If you live anywhere like I do (Utah, which has been hit with a combo of severe draught, record-breaking heat, and incredibly bad air from wild fires), it's been pretty impossible not to think about the worsening climate crisis this year. So, we wanted to to do a run of something well made that won't wind up in a landfill and donate all of the proceeds to something environmentally focused, specifically for conservation of the Amazon rainforest. I've been wearing a few Ebbets Field hats for years, and my personal favorite is the Kansas City Katz hat:
Taking some inspiration from that, my wife created some Phin art capturing his classic look (ie, his extremely vocal self) that can be made into a patch on an Ebbets hat:
I should have the sample in hand in the next week or two if anyone is into Ebbets and wants to see it and consider helping us support Rainforest Trust. -
@Jcaz6996 Good looking dog and it's nice he likes the walks…I have trouble getting mine out of bed and he's a little fat right now!
@Jcaz6996 He's four. It's seems the consensus is that when they hit two, a switch flips and they calm down a bunch. Ours has always been pretty relaxed (except for the first six months with the shark teeth), but we saw a big change at two.