IHSI-10 - Iron Heart "V" Profile Bangle - Sterling Silver
Absolutely @Aetas! I remember seeing this shortly after picking up some IH-301S from Self Edge in 2011 and wanting it super bad. Waited all the way until 2018 to cop… Hope others find it and pick it up, too. Such a nice staple item.
And how is your IHSI-02 going @henry_david ?
I honestly don't wear that all too much, @Aetas. I think it's super rad and did a deep clean on it not too long ago, but like keeping my wrists mostly unadorned. Since I work in an office typing away on a computer all day, this doesn't get in the way all that much (unlike the IHSI-02). Still glad to have it and think it's a great piece of kit.
Honestly, hadn't worn much IH in recent times and then put the IH-634XHS back on. And then the IH-9526J. And now the IHSI-10… So might be putting it back into regular rotation soon enough lol.
Sick snap! Yeah… I need to bring that damn thing back into my life man. Thank you for the inspiration
Sehr cool.
Here you go @Weft 4 Dead . Great Combo!
Looking solid @Aetas , I haven't made the jump to bracelet or bagel yet, but this looks rad
Looking solid @Aetas , I haven't made the jump to bracelet or bagel yet, but this looks rad
X-post to push @Joberwocky into buying one:
@henry_david misplaced my old one I had from week 1 at IHUK, so about time to replace
I forget I'm wearing mine most of the time. it's the most comfortable thing that's ever graced my wrist.
Looking damn good @AdamJ
I wear that damn thing everyday rn
There are still 3 available but I can't buy them?
https://www.ironheart.co.uk/accessories/ihsi-10.html -
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IHSI-10 Restock -
Very very very very happy with this.
Already picking up some really nice patina.
I was tentative about the ‘v’ before ordering - but the ergonomics of this thing are absolutely spot on. Not to mention how visually striking/refined the form is.