IHUK - A day in the life of….
Not a big deal, really- just looks like the same screen layout/design.
- topic:timeago-later,8 days
That's my fishing room, that's when we had moved down to the basement because a friend said to me. "What the fuck are you doing humping all those cartons up to the top floor, only to bring them down late in the day in smaller packages?"
Yet another light-bulb moment….
It's been fun to watch this success story unfold. IHUK already had some momentum by the time I was paying attention, but a lot has happened over the past decade. Kudos to @Giles and family for having a vision, taking a risk, and working for the reward, and for building an excellent crew and running the business with intelligence and integrity.
That is very touching @mclaincausey , Thank you. G
Looks promising :))
By chance any lefty’s in that bunch?
It's just the "zero" bit that is relevant….
Ha— as in a big fat zero
Ok— I gotcha:) -
Two UPS trucks? You keep up with this kind of volume and they're going to have to just bring in an 18 wheeler for your deliveries. Though I shudder to think of a big rig trying to navigate the streets around IHUK…