Luggage Bags and Packs
Vasco‘s Postman bag (half leather, half canvas) can easily be ordered at Jamie‘s ( @EastWest ) great online shop, even at a reduced price atm.
Thanks @endo - I certainly checked East West out first, I think that messenger is too small for my needs, but I thank you for the recommendation and link.
would look nice with some custom good art buckles
@Jase68 you realise that @Anesthetist will now hunt you down and steal that bag off you?!? ???
would look nice with some custom good art buckles
I already offered to sort it for Jason…..I think he called me a bastard then too.....
Yeah, erm nah
I'm a pimped as far as I am prepared to go.
I only had one kidney to sell and it's now gone…. bastard
@Graeme He will have to catch me first
But in all honesty, I sold a bunch of antiques and things that were gathering dust to get these last purchases. It's completely nuts, but I really just want stuff that can move with me these days. A few really good things and the rest can go.
@Jase68 I get where you're coming from. I've had similar thoughts about getting one myself, largely because that would do me for bags for the rest of my life.
I saw a Bole rucksack in Harrods when I lived in London seven or eight years ago, and it was lovely. I don't think that you'll be disappointed with it. I'll be interested in your thoughts when it arrives.
Shame about not having enough kidneys to afford the Good Art buckles.
@Jase68 you realise that @Anesthetist will now hunt you down and steal that bag off you?!? ???
The game is afoot………..
I’m completely envious and I can only ask that you post pics…..lots and lots of pics so I can live vicariously.
I looked very hard at the Bole line before covid and my wife told me that if you look in their specs, the bags include divorce papers. Might be worth it still?
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@Jase68 you realise that @Anesthetist will now hunt you down and steal that bag off you?!? ???
The game is afoot………..
I’m completely envious and I can only ask that you post pics…..lots and lots of pics so I can live vicariously.
I looked very hard at the Bole line before covid and my wife told me that if you look in their specs, the bags include divorce papers. Might be worth it still?
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@Anesthetist - that inclusion of divorce papers comment is hilarious
My wife left me a couple of years ago which was very hard, but on the bright side, I don't need to pretend it was a $200 bag on sale
and I hear chicks dig bags
I will certainly post pics when it arrives
@Graeme - thanks for not making me feel too guilty mate!
I might have to see if Good Art can make me a fitted scull cap to stop the space-dudes from mind controlling me and making me purchase such extravagances ???
Ahhhhhhhhh FFFFFFFFFFkkkkkkk!
I just called Bole, and spoke to the maker as I had no response from any emails regarding shipping, tax etc. He is a super nice gentleman and immediately knew who I was, and we had a nice chat. Apparently he just got back from a swim in the river at 3 degrees LOL. Unfortunately
they aren't making the Prince for a while - till sometime next year. Apparently he sent response emails to himself
and they didn't get through. He wants to return the money as he doesn't like to keep long prepayments especially of that amount- which is refreshing to hear. But has placed me on a "friends list"
So unfortunately I won't be having the Merry Christmas pack I was hoping for
I feel like a kid who has had his present taken away
So I guess the hunt continues. If bedouin did a full leather messenger bag I would probably go that way, and get the Bole later, but I'm open to suggestions.
on the other hand you've freed up a tidy sum …
Have you looked at Emil Erwin’s bags?
I have his Porter Tote and it’s awesome.
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@steelworker - this is true
@Anesthetist - I did have a look at those, they are very nice indeed!
@Giles - Giles, Giles, Giles - you know I spent that difference on my last order with IH
The King is dead, long live the King.
@Graeme - hahahaha - now that would be totally awesome!!!
So anyway, I'm currently having a chat with Silas from Bedouin about a custom messenger
on the other hand you've freed up a tidy sum …
Just went to Mexico for a week. We took our daughter's pack-and-play, so took a 110L Ortlieb dry duffel for some of her large items, but as for my personal stuff, I was able to fit all of my gear (a week's changes of clothes, laptop, chargers, giant battery, etx) into a 28L Defy Verbockel 2.0 X-Pac (thanks again @Graeme for the suggestion). I was able to lash a bulky iPad+childproof case using the outside handle and Cobra buckle strap that secures the rolltop.
Made for an excellent beach bag while there as well.
I am truly thrilled with the capabilities of that bag. Great, versatile bag for work, travel, cycling, biking, etc.