On my/our way to Bern (switzerland) for a traineeship-interview by one of the biggest, if not the bigges building enterprises in switzerland!
Enjoyed my time during the 4hours drive with some great news
almost there!
passed the "Stade de Suisse" a soccer stadium from the soccer-team of Bern, which was also built by the company i had my interview appointment!
our housing (Hotel Landhaus) was right beside one of the biggest rivers in switzerland called Aare
me and the devil's fit took a little nap before we had to dress-up to go to the interview!
after the interview me and the gf went to town, passed the "Albert Einstein House" and the "Zeitglockenturm" ,got sth. to eat and yeah…i'll let the pics do the talking!
my choice :)…Nr.10
up yours!
what would be switzerland without its chocolate?
ended up with these two (CornFlakes & Hazelnut)
some random buildings!
next morning, gf preparing the navigation-system and off we went!
thx for watching!…
about to go see the dropkick murphy's with against me in boston on st. patrick's day. it should be fairly rowdy.
Making the most of spring sunshine, and trying to ignore sound of G mowing:
I have been planning to make a bigger wallet for myself for quite some time now. I found a nice piece of tan leather at my leather shop on thursday to use for it, a good 4 square feet.
When I woke up this morning I saw that it was snowing (again, I'm starting to have enough of it already) so after breakfast I started making one.
It took me 9 hours to get it finished
:-[, mainly because I wasn't happy with the stitching on the inside at first so I took the whole thing apart and made new inner pieces and stitched it all back together again. I'm very satisfied with the end result now:
[img width=500 height=375]http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5176/5540651430_94ea6f998d.jpg
Inner parts, had a bit of a different approach since I don't want my wallet to be too thick. Theres two card slots for 2-3 cards each, a compartment for bills and receipts and junk underneath it, a zippered pocket for change and a compartment for more receipts and such underneath it:
Then I had to test if it fits inside the pocket of my 634:s, and it does (that belt is also made by myself, in last august I think - it's darkened nicely!)
When I was finished I had to run to the store to buy some beer before they close
I'm totally exhausted and I think I'll stay home for the rest of the evening even though I was planning to go to a party.
Have a nice weekend guys!