@Oaktavia I got a 10A. I kinda went back and forth between it and the AA, basically wondering if the A was too big/flashy for me. On the other hand, I kinda figured hey if I'm going to spend a chunk on something nice like this, I might as well get "the one," so to speak. Plus everyone I asked was like "dude just get the A, trust me." When I got it, I really was a bit worried that I'd fucked up — they're bright and shiny when they're new, definitely a statement. That said, I got used to it pretty quickly, and they mellow out once they get a little patina starting to happen. Absolutely zero regrets now — it's a really unique, special-feeling thing that I get a kick out of wearing every time. I do think the other sizes look great, though — really can't go wrong with any of them.
In a perfect world, I wouldn't mind having a slightly smaller offering to wear when I want something a little more toned down, like a No.6 curb chain bracelet.
PS the reason they're out of stock is because Josh is working on a kind of subtle but effective counterfeit-prevention mark of some kind. I went to the Family Room last year and Adam told me a little bit about it, said there are a lot of fakes out there, thus the push to do something about it. I think they'll be available again soon.
@popvulture I'll PM for some more bracelet chat
Sounds good, man!
XPOST !! With no shame, gotta give the Wabby some love
No shame at all! Those are looking good.
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Because of their lighter weight I've been unintentionally ignoring them in my closet, but after that slick @Oaktavia bib/jacket combo pic I knew I had to make a change
My XHSib is getting some fantastic progress, time to put in the work on my two pairs of bibs -
My XHSib is getting some fantastic progress, time to put in the work on my two pairs of bibs
The truth is that I have some issues with how I look (I always pick more form-fitting clothes for fear that I'll look fat) and the bibs aren't exactly a tailored look
As such, I've been wearing my IH-634-XHS exclusively as I've come to the conclusion that, while the 21oz is unreal, the 25oz is the ultimate fabric from IH.
As it stands, my XHS button holes are shredded (unintentional flashing might happen cause so many need repair) and I've just rinsed them and am dropping them off at SESF this weekend. I donned my 634S this AM but then remembered my overalls.
I haven't worn these in months and months and, anytime I saw someone on here wearing theirs, I thought that that was cool for you but I would probably sell mine off before wearing them again. Then … I tried them on again. I'm such an idiot. These things are exquisite. The 21oz on these is, just as I remembered, even softer than can be explained. And I love how loose and comfy they are. Ugh. Forgive me brethren.
Also, that's my "the photo's been taken already and I'm gonna see if I look okay" face. I don't understand self-timers I guess.
Looking great in the bibs as always @henry_david
While I, unlike my wife, like how I look in the bibs, simple fact is wearing them makes me happy, and while I tend to personally love the tight knit handfeel of the 25oz, the 21oz still surprises with it's pajama like softness (if your pajamas are 21oz, obviously)
(if your pajamas are 21oz, obviously
Well in the 'what should we make thread' @endo was suggesting pjs in denim or chambray so you never know…
simple fact is wearing them makes me happy
And the prize for most unnecessary statement of the day goes to @Joberwocky - you can see the happiness oozing out of every pore when you put these things on!
Still nowhere near following this path, but there’s something compelling about what’s going on here.
Haha, I suppose I deserved that @ARNC
Who knows, maybe once in a antique silver goblet-fueled stupor you'll wake the next morning to find a shipping confirmation, qty 1 rocking pair of bibs -
Looking great in the bibs as always @henry_david
While I, unlike my wife, like how I look in the bibs, simple fact is wearing them makes me happy, and while I tend to personally love the tight knit handfeel of the 25oz, the 21oz still surprises with it's pajama like softness (if your pajamas are 21oz, obviously)
I have told my wife SO may times how much softer the 21oz or 25oz feels after so many wears. But still, every single time she touches it she is amazed at how rough it feels. Whatcha gonna do.
P.S. I love my 21oz, but I don't think I'd ever put myself through the torture of breaking in 21oz in my sleep.
I'm just getting ready to turn in for the night lmao
Fades looking sick af and I dig that belt dude. Imma be lounging in mine tonight while watching some teev.
Have a nice time pal
Haha, I suppose I deserved that @ARNC
Who knows, maybe once in a antique silver goblet-fueled stupor you'll wake the next morning to find a shipping confirmation, qty 1 rocking pair of bibsThat hasn’t happened to me yet, but who knows
Maybe we need a new category of “lay brothers” or something for guys who appreciate what the brothers are doing but haven’t (yet?) committed and taken their vows?
Welcome to the Brotherhood, novitiate ( @ARNC ). You're welcome even as you consider donning the garb of the Brotherhood.
I love the natty belt @Filthy and the fades are a-mah-zing!
I have my bibs hung up for now, as they are only 12oz and that is no match for the sub freezing temps here in Maryland lately. I do look forward to wearing them with just a pair of Birkenstocks and an old cut up t shirt this summer.