IHSH-165 - Indigo Herringbone Single Pocket Work Shirt - Contrast Stitching
I am… despite making changes ...
This IHSH…..I used to ignore over a very long period of time.
Shame on me 8).
It’s looking better, than presented on the Work Week picture.
Changed my mind and now, it is the my most worn IH item at the moment. Washed a lot and destroyed in the dryer!
Lo and behold R. ...... the Indigo Herringbone is evolving nicely AND... it shrinks a bit ;-).
VERY NICE pics @Aetas ; enjoyed seeing them again.
Looking great @Aetas
Just changed the start of my Pilgrimage :D.
One of these has come up for sale on a second hand site in a large.
Looks like the IH branding on the chest pocket has been removed, but otherwise pretty sure I have ID'd the correct shirt. Thought I'd let the forum know.
Great looking shirt @Aetas ,
My tonal version has quite a ways to go before it looks as nice as yours
Thanks @motojobobo
beautiful @Aetas !