Motor Sport
Can somebody tell me why people (can’t call them racefans really) are booing on Verstappen? They can’t be so childish that it has something to do with the last race last season because when Hamilton knocked out Verstappen @ Silverstone last year people were cheering like they had just won the worldcup… I’m just wondering because it’s not very polite. I know that Hamilton got some boos @ Zandvoort last year too but then the interviewer stood up for Hamilton and after that it was all okay.
My view.
I thought either driver deserved to win the championship last year, they both drove outside their skin.
But the manner in which the final race was won was a farce. Not of Verstappens making, but certainly of Masi's and arguably of the Red Bull pit wall who placed a lot of pressure on Masi.
I think that most neutral, fair-minded people would say that the win was therefore tarnished and the Hamilton fans think that the race was stolen.
I don't in the least agree with the booing, but I can certainly understand the resentment.
Full disclosure. I really wanted Hamilton to win the championship last year and was completely and utterly dumbfounded by how Masi managed the last few laps of the race, in fact pretty dumbfounded about how he conducted himself all season. I suspect there are a few people in The FIA who agree, because he ain't race director anymore.
Hamilton was robbed and it was nigh criminal to have such meddling sour that amazing race. (I don’t know if it was protecting Schumacher, a desire to usher in the Max era, or something else but it seemed too deliberate and too convenient not to have been orchestrated (maybe I’m just being a conspiracy theorist)).
That said, the fans are assholes and not directing their frustrations, which are valid, in a fair direction.
Max could not care less about their boorish behavior I am sure.
Courtesy and decency towards one another just seem to be things of the past. I believe that there’s not a driver on the grid who deserves to be booed, and that that should be reserved for drivers who behave exceptionally poorly (dangerous drivers, or acting like Piquet).
If anyone was booing based on Piquet’s idiocy and somehow attaching that to Max, they are even bigger idiots.
Latifi in Q3 and starting 10th on the grid. Driver of the day tonight perhaps.
Ya love to see it. Great quali all around!
quality racing on the last 10 laps! Even though Charles lost out..
Charles, checo and lewis battle was brilliant
Been a good weekend on site
Amazing race! Go Lewis and so happy for Carlos. Gutted for George.
I haven’t picked a driver or a team to pull for, but I have picked a team to root against (not that they need me to in order to shit the best just fine). Ferrari need to fix their toxic culture. A big FU to the people who thought it was more important to send a petty message than to celebrate Sainz’s (and the team’s) achievement.
I even see a McLaren engineer celebrating. WTF.
Pretty interesting graphic
very close in timings for tomorrow. the race will be interesting.
verstappens looks untouchable on "home" soil, seems to also suit the RB cars really well.
verstappens looks untouchable on "home" soil, seems to also suit the RB cars really well.
Home soil ??? Where have you been during Geography in school? Spielberg is in Austria, 45 min from where I live….guess where I‘ll be tomorrow…
Red Bull = Austria, Chap…
Anyway... This 'll be an interesting race for sure!.. Sprint race was!.. Perez is nuts!..
yes sure… sorry. Honestly I know zero about Formula One. The only race I usually watch is Spielberg and that's only because a friend of mine gets VIP tickets from Tag Heuer.
It's just because people usually think Max must be either a Bavarian or an Austrian... Of to The Ring shortly. Raining at the moment... -
@Chap hahaha yeah that's why I put the " " in home. hope to see some pictures from you if you're gonna be there!
Booings' bad, cheering is OK? Hmmmmm….
_Lewis Hamilton has criticised spectators at the Austrian Grand Prix for cheering when he crashed in qualifying at the Red Bull Ring.
Hamilton went off at Turn Seven, close to grandstands packed with Dutch fans of his 2021 title rival Max Verstappen.
"I was going through a bunch of stuff in the crash, but to hear it afterwards you know… I don't agree with any of that, no matter what," he said._
"A driver could have been in hospital, and you are going to cheer that?"
yeah brilliant race. through out and even so till the end!