IH-708 - Indigo Hickory Stripe Cargo Pants
I got a pair of IH-708s ages ago, and they've had a lot of wear. I've also had a huge blowout in the backside. If anyone is interested in seeing how they fade, here are a few photos.
And as a bonus, here's a photo of me with a couple of Azawakhs, a really rare breed of African sighthound, and Mac the Miniature Labradoodle at an event in December. I'm carrying a few Pandemic Pounds there…
Beautiful hounds @Graeme
@steelworker Azawakhs are beautiful dogs, but they can be a bit tricky. They're used by the Tuareg tribes as guard dogs, so have a tendency to nip strangers or houseguests.
Iron Heart UK used to offer the rainbow thread as an option for hemming trousers. I don't know if it's still available, but it looks good. I got my brother a pair of Hickory painters paints and used it when they were shortened.