Iron Chef WAYCT - What Are You Cooking Today
Everything lookin nice y’all!
Got a 3 bone prime rib roast from my local butcher. Trimmed, trussed, and brining for 48 hours. Then will apply an herbal paste of rosemary, thyme, peppercorn, and olive oil and cooking at 225F until the center reaches 115F. I’m planning on doing this in the cooker with the deflector plates in place, on the extension grill up high above the heat source so that it cooks as evenly as possible, with as uniform heat around it as possible. Pull, rest for 30-120 minutes, and hit at high heat for 10 minutes to crust (the ole reverse sear). We did this a few Christmases ago (but in the oven since we didn’t have the Primo then) and it was the best prime rib I’ve ever had: salty, herbaceous crust, and uniformly pink and juicy throughout the interior. I hope we can recapture that magic this time around. A subsequent effort came close, but not quite there.
We will serve with a jus made from the drippings, the broth I’m making from the bones, and some wine, along with a pink peppercorn horseradish sauce. Then, French dip sandwiches for days! This will be for a Friday feast after Friendsgiving.
Roasting the bones and other beef broth ingredients before cooking them down into a hearty broth:
Nice @mclaincausey isn't it funny that so many IH guys here are interested in good food and cooking… love it.
Yes @Chap i love that so many of us have so much in common. It’s cool to see overseas colleagues like @Alex doing such justice to American Thanksgiving traditions as so many of you also do to Japanese, Indian, and other global foods.
And @Jett129 you are speaking my language.
What can I say? I hang out here for a reason, and y’all are that reason. Thankful for you!
Agree with everything you guys said and you @mclaincausey have been my Mezcal Sherpa since day one.
Whachu gettin into with that @goosehd ?
Everybody's preps look great. I'm doing a dry brine, which I usually do. No photos yet, but I will post tomorrow, depending on how much I drink. Happy Thanksgiving….,.
First attempt unsupervised and need to work on the surface tension. Tomorrow morning I’ll cut it open to see how it turned out.
I think that looks great, did you have trouble creating the surface tension, I cant tell from looking at the loaf? Get a vid of @Chap doing it, he's the master…..
First attempt unsupervised and need to work on the surface tension. Tomorrow morning I’ll cut it open to see how it turned out.
I think that looks great, did you have trouble creating the surface tension, I cant tell from looking at the loaf? Get a vid of @Chap doing it, he's the master…..
Awesome @goosehd if I think of my first attempts
everything I know about baking bread I learnt from Mr Padmore and Mr Forkish
Out the brine, and getting to room temp
Stuffed with a sausagemeat stuffing I forgot to photograph
I have got a litre of turkey stock and some herbs and veg in the pan under it, going to wrap in foil and steam to start then uncover and pump the heat to try and brown the skin
My typical Thanksgiving, starts with Butternut Squash soup.
Dining room table, not shown kitchen table.
Mashed potatoes and Brussel sprouts.
Sausage Dressing / stuffing / filling. it wasn't in the bird.
Spoon bread / corn casserole.
Cucumber salad
Williamsburg salad.
Not pictured was all the drinks and Pumpkin Pie.