We know you love IH, but where do you think we can improve?
Nobody is comparing you with PBJ.
Nor did I think anyone was. But you were suggesting we make the hems smaller and I was saying let's leave that to others…
@tody @motojobobo where … ?
Personally I have no idea or really care what’s “in”. Wear whatever you like no matter what the trend is. I know my wife wishes I didn’t fold 4 or 5” cuffs on my jeans but I like it. My age could also contribute to the not caring factor though. Sorry this isn’t part of the improvement topic.
Personally I have no idea or really care what’s “in”. Wear whatever you like no matter what the trend is. I know my wife wishes I didn’t fold 4 or 5” cuffs on my jeans but I like it. My age could also contribute to the not caring factor though. Sorry this isn’t part of the improvement topic.
Agreed in all of that.
[mention]neph93 [/mention] you like 5” cuffs too?! Maybe they are on trend!! [emoji2]
I'm sure many of the extinct styles are extinct due to limited fabric run but how about bringing back an Iron Heart OG style per year, perhaps based upon forum/client vote?
Armpit hole measurements added to the sizing chart
As a relative n00b, I’d love to see a ‘look book’-esque page which shows all the historical shirts from previous seasons, ideally in numerical (or indeed chronological) order. I’d love to have visibility of all the old shirt designs in a single place…
@Nocturama awesome idea! Although sometimes the guessing work and research is part of the fun