IHSH-189-BRN - 17oz Duck CPO Work Shirt - "The UnTucked" - Brown
You know, I've seen folks online cast some shade on those who wear multiple pieces of IH…but man everything just works so well together! Excellent layering @budpatch
@neph93 It is indeed. ::) I could maybe get behind that argument if IH was a brand that used gaudy logos or something…but you'd really need to get up close to even tell someone to see it.
@Salted Racer Thanks for the kind words. @Oaktavia Me too!
I personally love layering my IH gear. The cuts and sizing are consistent across the shirting and the buttons typically line up nicely, not to mention it looks amazing together!
@neph93 It is indeed. ::) I could maybe get behind that argument if IH was a brand that used gaudy logos or something…but you'd really need to get up close to even tell someone to see it.
Exactly. There was a guy in my town who wore full adidas in the 90’s top, bottoms, cap, shoes, bag, the lot. Not in a hip hop way either. While you had to admire his gauche persistence and commitment, he looked daft and everyone laughed. It had the same effect as a grown man going down the pub in full replica Manchester Utd kit to watch the match. Full Iron Heart is just not the same.
I’m always amazed by people’s need to shit on others online. This will be the same group of people who think you can’t wear black and navy, mix silver and brass, or any other number of GQ cool, asshole “fashion” rules. They probably think owning a UHF will get them laid more too.
Well said @neph93
I’ve said this before but this place is certainly a nice reprieve from other online environments.I’m a sucker for IH’s CPO shirts—been eyeing this one but just heard the Wabash version is coming—such a first world problem lol
@Salted Racer great cartoon. Copied for later use!
Only had few a few weeks and just noticed this.
Is this anything I need to worry about? Can I trim it with scissors?
With the 203… threw the 1301 under there for all the layer haters [emoji1787]
Don’t hate the layer — hate the game.
This is what my shirt looks like on me. I am really satisfied, the color is superb and the rendering is perfect in terms of size.
Looks like a great fit to me—like the way you’ve done the cuff.