Big fan of dystopian sci fi and particularly cyberpunk and especially William Gibson.
Not a huge anime guy so will have to see how that lands when I get back on Netflix.
Enjoyed S2 of "The White Lotus"
“Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
So true…[emoji849]
A bit more out there and esoteric than IT crowd but a really funny show is Toast of London starring Matt berry
@Giles - see your stint on Antiques Roadshow got a repeat tonight - interesting chat about Sir Thomas Grant and storage of ships’ biscuits. Never knew any of that.
Lately I've been watching YOU TvSeries
Been on Soap opera of Yellowstone. Finally made to Season 5.
Been spotting a lot of flannels and jackets in there.
I am not bNb in UK. So trying to understand into slangs.
British slang of Cowboy for shoddy jobs and those Cowboy from Yellowstone are quite the opposite. Their work is 100% hard work. Being reckless is still the same..
Planning to watch 1923 next.