IH-555-XHS - 25oz Selvedge Denim Super Slim Jeans - Indigo
Now that is a good looking pair of Jeans! Comparing the measurements here, I think the 555 size 34 should fit similar to a size 33 Levi's 501 that I own.
Good point lol. These are just cheap 501s from last year with measurements pretty close to the 555 xhs chart.
Is there any advantage to soaking these before I wear them?
Is there any advantage to soaking these before I wear them?
Yes. If you do a soak with agitation the denim will shrink up to an inch in the length and waist. I like to soak the xhs denim right away so I don’t have to deal with the fades shifting when I decide to wash them.
Is there any advantage to soaking these before I wear them?
Yes. If you do a soak with agitation the denim will shrink up to an inch in the length and waist. I like to soak the xhs denim right away so I don’t have to deal with the fades shifting when I decide to wash them.
I’ve done both and have come to the conclusion that soaking the XHS is best, for the reasons you mention. It doesn’t shrink as much as raw, unsanforised denim but there is enough for it to be meaningful.
The only time you might want to leave it is of they are small around the waist straight out of the bag. In that case wearing a week will stretch the waist, mitigating some of the shrinkage and making it easier in the hips after the soak. I wouldn’t wait longer than a week though.
The wait begins. If they are too snug for a soak at first I will take your advice @neph93 and try to stretch the shit out of them before the first soak
Should I soak these inside out?
Is this normal for IH 25 oz?
thanks @Giles
They have been sitting in hot water for 5 mins and it already looks like they have lost alot of indigo. I am wishing that I just wore them without the soak
They have been sitting in hot water for 5 mins and it already looks like they have lost alot of indigo. I am wishing that I just wore them without the soak
Don’t worry about that. It is surface lying excess indigo. You don’t need it, the jeans will still be as dark as they were pre-soak and it won’t affect fading at all.
I will post measurements when they dry
Don’t worry about that. It is surface lying excess indigo. You don’t need it, the jeans will still be as dark as they were pre-soak and it won’t affect fading at all.
Thanks ! I feel better already
If you consider the 21oz, it is fully sanforised, once washed, and treated with a dye fixing solution. It still crocks and bleeds over everything from the first day, and it still fades.
The XHS has far fewer post weave processes but they had still seem a lot of water and heat before they were sent out to Gosport.
The 21oz aren't as fun to break in though.If they are still going to be dark when they dry, a bit of indigo loss is no big deal. I hope I didnt go too hot and have them end up too tight around the calves
My point was that unless the jeans are loomstate, with no post weave processing at all the they will have seen heat and water before you soak them. Whatever heat and water you throw at them will pale beside the industrial processes they have been subjected to. While the 21oz is an extreme example it applies to the XHS too. So a little indigo bleeding is not a worry.
As for shrinkage and heat, it is agitation that causes a lot of shrinkage so the difference a 40C or 60C soak without agitation will make is somewhere between negligible and none.
Excited to hear how it goes!
I understood your point
I also appreciate your knowledge on the topic
They have been heavily agitated, I figured that I might as well try to get all the shrink out the first time.
…I think I found my home when it comes to jeans and cut.
…555-XHS 36x36 hemmed at 35". Right out of the bag they fit perfect! I'm blown away. Good to be home!