IHSH-260-PPL - Ultra Heavy Flannel Tartan Check Western Shirt - Purple Rain
IHSH-260-PPL - Ultra Heavy Flannel Tartan Check Western Shirt - Purple Rain
We're very proud of our ultra heavy flannel (UHF) shirts. This western shirt is in an exclusive Iron Heart designed purple tartan check 12oz fabric, woven from Aspero cotton from the foothills of the Andes mountains, double brushed on the inside and single brushed on the outside, resulting in a very soft yet heavy, thick, warm and windproof flannel.
XS - 4XL
Available at 16:00BST on Thursday 15th of October
Complete this form if you would like to know when they arrive at IHUK.
I’ve been waiting for the right Purple flannel to come along. This is it. Now if this is the purple rain… can we get an Eddie Van Halen inspire check flannel?
Burg & Schild
Blue Anchor
Iron Heart HamburgINDONESIA
Berkeley Supply Co
Franklin and Poe
James Dant
Self Edge San Fran
Self Edge New York
Self Edge LA
Self Edge Portland
Snake Oil Provisions
Withered Fig -
Had been coveting these since the preview. Sizing is weirdly small so have had to order a xxxl. And they appear to be selling fast.
While dithering about pimping the snaps another one sold so have decided to buy now and consider pimping later.
^yep I grabbed a XXXL soon as they dropped too.
Had been coveting these since the preview. Sizing is weirdly small so have had to order a xxxl. And they appear to be selling fast.
While dithering about pimping the snaps another one sold so have decided to buy now and consider pimping later.
You can always buy it, stack it (ship later), then pimp it at your leisure - unless that’s what you’ve already done.
I’ll probably wait a bit and decide later about pimping. Possibly next time I buy some jeans and they need hemming.
So am I too some degree, but we had 181 email alert requests and onlr 50 shirts. I noticed that Haraki still had a load, so we took another 50 off him. So we ended up having more of this shirt than any other colourway so far this year.
its strange to me that the super small guys, and the super large guys bought these so fast.
I would think that the normal sizes would have gone first. Just shows how much I know. -
its strange to me that the super small guys, and the super large guys bought these so fast.
I would think that the normal sizes would have gone first. Just shows how much I know.There are far less items available at each end of the scale, som they go quicker. It seems to me that two things have accentuates that, firstly as he says above, Giles has got more of the popular sizes (the ones in the middle), secondly these seem to have sewn up a little small. A lot of guys who take XL probably sized up to XXL.
It remains to be seen whether L guys snap up all the XL’s. I’m an XL guy, but on the smaller side so I’m very tempted to pick up an XL now.
As Reuben says, we order a bell curve with L or XL being the top of the curve. We keep increasing the steepness of the bell curve, but arguably, this is the first time we have got it relatively right. If we are going to sell out of sizes, it is much better for us to sell out of the outliers, and still have the most popular sizes left.
For some products online stock is shared with the retailer portal (basically a webshop for the retailers), retailers very rarely take outlier sizes, so the bell curve for those products needs to even steeper than normal.
Working out how many of what to order is probably the most problematic part of this business.