Fine Creek Leathers
@Aries sweatpants redeemed by the Flat Head denim shirt. Thanks again. Looks great on you.
Haha cheers @Danny RnH
Looking good @twin ! Show those lobsters who's the boss.
Thanks @Manticore No lobsters this time. Crab cakes & Salmon.
@twin I think that is probably the nicest leather jacket I have even seen… I got to see one in person and I was blown away. They are like a size too small for me though. Not that I have thay kind of disposable income right now either.
I mean like they don't make one big enough for me to fit in
`@twin This was the other jacket I was thinking about getting. Now that I have seen how well it fits you, I still might
but not for awhile…
Edit: nevermind, I bought it.
@twin thanks to all your pictures I have my very own VA Beach jacket on the way. I can hardly wait. It's literally killing me.
Hopefully it will fit. It's gonna be close. Hopefully I don't eat too many more Frito pies between now and then either
My Simmonsbilt is a 48 and it is quite big on me now and the VA Beach is a 47 ptp.
You bet
Yeah it definitely looks awesome on you. Your jeans are epic AF too! @twin between your pics and this pic below it was hard to resist.
I get that. But I think it is the same Shinki tannery horsehide in the pic.