IRON CAST by Iron Heart International
Subscribed! Looking forward to the next episode.
Subscribed on Spotify and about to listen to it while shirking work. Stoked! Glad to have this content and also made sure to share it on the Heddels+ Discord community that I'm a part of, too.
Thank you very much for doing that @henry_david , I appreciate that…...
IH and the ppl who make up this brand has been my go to for 10 years. Happy to return the favor.
As an aside: I guess it's worth adding that your denim saved my ass back at the tail end of 2011, @Giles. I was cycling home on Market Street here in San Francisco in some IH-301S. I was being a total idiot and nosed into the intersection on a red. A motorcycle raced through the intersection coming the other way and struck my front wheel, throwing me off of my bike. I checked my IH and saw a small scuff where I hit the pavement. My only injuries were a small bump on my leg at the point of impact and a bruised ego. Thanks for a great product.
XXXXL for the big(ger) boys… awesome [emoji122] [emoji41][emoji14]
This and the zoom meetings are an amazing evolution of the forum. It really is a brilliant space you’ve created. Sublimation into the real world. Live and direct. Celebrate good times
The quote about Haraki smoking spliffs was righteous
I signed up for spotify. I also miss being able to watch alt-right Rogan… so it's a win-win
Alt-right Rogan?!? Lol’d
They aren’t “plain” uhf cpo’s @Giles They are two-toned. And they only sold poorly because people were tentative sods. I was even tentative at the 49 and the ihd because I thought I would get pocket fades on the front from the pocket-bag edges. Years later, I now know I was foolish. These shirts are bangers and everyone knows it now.
“Let me polish this turd.” Best quote
And while I’m being candid, as an Iron Heart “Adam” (One of many), I was like “I want to do the podcast!!!”
But it’s quite clear, Ollie is just the perfect person; accent, dialogue, rides a motorcycle, familiar with the lads, asks genuine questions in a preparedly spontaneous way, knows how to move the convo, knows how to edit. Well done
“Let me polish this turd.” Best quote
I say this a lot
@Filthy:I put this one on my truck. Proof you can polish a turd.
You can polish a turd after all! Jk
thanks a lot.
Great listen Giles and IHUK team. I shared in the Raw denim subreddit
@Giles It seemed like the one thing that got you a little riled up was about the criticism that the forum is too nice and too positive overall. Can you expand on these criticisms where they come from?
We had a bunch of people a few years ago that really got pissed off that this was too nice a place to be. Very few of them are still members because most of them were complete ***** (may start with C and may end with S)….
They even started a parallel forum called something like "the real fucking Iron Heart Forum where you can call people cunts if you want to". They thought it would rule the world.
Well, guess what? Get fucked losers.....