Recent Purchases
Did a quick try on yesterday after work and can say it is the golden cut. Just slim enough and about as slim as I'm comfortable with. But also, wicked.
A standup guy on StyleForum. Same guy who hooked me on IH to begin with by selling me a pair of 9301's, which were, incidentally, laughably slim on me. They're out there, but it took me months of scouring the various B/S forums and even then about 1.5 months for the guy to finally find time to ship them.
I seem to remember a tagged 34 pair around. Can't remember the condition or how long ago it was though. Definiteley seen more with very chopped inseams though.
how do you compare the fit to the 31 SRs?
Did a quick try on yesterday after work and can say it is the golden cut. Just slim enough and about as slim as I'm comfortable with. But also, wicked.
once again thank you for shipping your jeans to me within about two hours of payment
even then about 1.5 months for the guy to finally find time to ship them.
My first pair of Lucchese boots…
SWEET BOOTS. Very nice, BK
Again many thanks with Mr and Mrs G for sending me all my stuff. It takes time to arrive in Malaysia, but it really worth it. My christmas comes earlly. Not in picture because i'm wearing it, 2011 white forum T and Flat Tan calf leash,but it comes in the same shipment one shot! Thanks Paula!
2 IH SHirt
Flat tan calf leash
IH 801
THRW type II
Mechanic shirt
4 woven patces and one leather patch
Black Hickory
IH Forum T. (only god know how nice lord G is)
Sticker PAcksss -
Mankarat, it was a pleasure to de-stack all your packages and get them off to you finally! I am truly thrilled that you are delighted with everything, and it all fits.