Pronto 15th Anniversary 16oz Slubby Selvedge Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans
Maiden voyage!Made it all the way out of the house and in the Jeep before the inevitable question from my wife, “Are these new?” My response, “All my jeans are like new because we live in California and I don’t get to wear them as often as I want.” Her response, “these feel different.” At that point, I could not deny. These slubby jeans feel so cool and different.
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Solid effort @Bums_Fan
They look good, man! -
Busted…no doubt!
Once discovered, I proceeded to tell her about all the geeky/cool unique qualities that make this pair of jeans so special. I think I saw a solid two eye rolls from her [emoji23]Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
@J-IV your fit right off the bat looks great! How’ve you been enjoying them so far?
Just got these back from indigo proof yesterday? The day before? Idk the days are blurry. But got to test them out at work today. It was windy, rainy, cold (cold for a work day in Hawaii 60s maybe?). Kinda wish I had 14oz, xhs, or 18oz basically any denim that’s wind proof today, but after running some errands on the west side of the island after work, which is typically dry and hot, these were quite comfortable. Comfortable as 21oz. I don’t find any other denim as comfortable as 21oz where I live, but that’s due to user experience and heat tolerance.
These will most likely be the only denim I’ll get in the 888 cut as I love a low/medium rise slim fit, but for what it’s worth I love how comfortable these slubs are in this 888 fit and how breathable this denim is. I’ll def continue to wear these at work. It’s extremely easy to move around in and not worry about plumbers crack or breaking knee caps.
Post alteration fit pics
I think they look great [mention]RoxRocks86 [/mention]. It’s always nice to have something comfy and baggy in the rotation.
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Whoa, that's nice work.! think they look great too
@RoxRocks86 are we going to get to see some blizzard pics of these in action? I bet you build a mean igloo.
Thank you Anne and Ed
I really do like these slubs and as mentioned the comfy relaxed fit, although not my norm, is a great welcome.
@Matt That’d be the day! Snow storm & spewing lava on the same day/island? What a time to be alive! Unfortunately the only action I get on the daily is playing bumper cars on the freeway and the once in a lifetime missle alert /s
Hey @RoxRocks86
Thanks for the kind words. The break in period is relatively quick with this pair compared to the other IH denim I've had on my legs. Comfy no doubt. Sorry to hear the fit isn't up your alley, they look super chill on you. Given they're the "slubby" denim, you'll beat these up in no time as a casual pair.Going to start integrating this pair come the new year. Still have 633s-18 as my main indigo pair. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Enjoy some haupia for us mainland folks
@RoxRocks86 I like the way your jeans fit a lot!
It's crazy you mentioned that missle scare. I just watched a documentary about that. I can't even imagine the pandemonium that must have been. If we ever get something like that here I'm gonna grab my lawn chair and go up on the roof and catch a front row seat. I wouldn't want to be alive after a nuclear missle strike anyway.
Seems like we are actually heading for a war with the situation in the Ukraine now and with China wanting to annex Taiwan.
I try not to think about it too much. (but I do a lot). It seems like they will both make their moves at the same time to try and punk NATO.
These jeans have ruined me. Whenever I see regular IH back pockets I just think I wish they were Lee pockets.
I think they are really cool but a problem I have with the them is that they are a little wider than usual. Combined with the stiffer fabric lining, they tend to flare just a little more than the usual pockets.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks @Matt they are some of my favorite IH to date!
The flaring could just be my flat ass, hard to say [emoji23]
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I'm working in Florida now so I took the slubbies on my trip. I took this yesterday and forgot to post it.