Giles and Paula's Great Retirement Adventure
That's great news! Time to buy some matching " skipper"outfits.
Like fuck
I had a feeling that response was coming
@Giles By chance, was this one of your questions:
You are underway when a drunk Norwegian wearing heavy denim falls overboard. What do you do?
A) Turn the boat around wasting valuable time and fuel
Throw a life ring to him and point him to the shortest direction to land
C) Pretend you didn't see anything and keep on your designated course -
D) High-5 @Madame Buttonfly and open one of said Norwegians beers….
Last weekend of April (weather permitting), we will be taking Pilgrim to The Channel Islands. They lie about 90 miles South of here, and we intend to overnight on both passages (yes, we are going with someone who knows what he is doing @Ian72 ). Fuel is cheap in the Channel Islands, so seems sensible to go fill-her-up.
Today we had a wake for a very good friend and we got chatting to Mike Thomsom (Alex Thomsons dad), and he invited us to moor in "his bay", on Ecréhous..éhous
We should be able to catch up with Alex, who now lives on Jersey, whilst we are there.
The adventure starts…..
You will have a great time on Ecréhous. I went there a few years ago for a stag and it is a special place. Excellent first voyage.
Wow. Excellent news all around. Please post photos of the voyage.
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Sounds like a great trip, voyage.