Nooo, this is how our first lookbook went last year:
We're just looking for more brands to support and help out lookbook out at the same time.
We're not just some hype blog, we do projects such as our spring/summer lookbook, We also do a lot of interviews with famous cats and such.
I like what they are doing, but then again I like that home(y) page stuff that was up. I thought it was tasteful & well done, but do agree with the entire "hype blog" notion. Since they were brave enough to come on the forum, I have a few questions that might sway my take on them wanting to use my beloved Iron Heart for their lookbook:
What made you want to use this brand?
What is the theme of your lookbook?
What items do you own that made you think this brand would be a good fit for what you are trying to do?
It's really simple. If you want to use the brand to just say this is that NEW, I'm not really with it. However, If you want to use the brand because you own items & are impressed with the quality & overall aesthetics than I can at least support you & your cause.
In any event continued success & keep doing what you are doing.
**i have a few comments for the folks above me, but will hold them for a minute before i go in
What made you want to use this brand?
-Well, as you see in our last lookbook, Nudie Jeans supplied up with all the denim. So I searched and looked for another company that makes quality denim and I have friends that vouch for the brand. So that's when I came across Iron Heart. Also, we couldn't just downgrade and make this lookbook with just plain old Levi's, we need some special denim.What is the theme of your lookbook?
-The title of the lookbook is called, "Welcome to Graduation." Here's the trailer:What items do you own that made you think this brand would be a good fit for what you are trying to do?
-Well, we have items from Penfield, Ralph Lauren, Durkl, Elm Company, and such, and we definitely we're looking to see if more brands in that nature felt like they could reach out for the project, and we saw Iron Heart filling a spot. -
I usually leave this kind of thing for Lando, but based on your response staycrank, I have to strongly say no thank you on the look book offer.
Thank you for responding to my questions & for getting me thinking about Iron Heart. I unfortunately wouldn't want to see Iron Heart "filling a spot" in your lookbook. It's nothing against your lookbook, but I don't think you understand what you have here with any Iron Heart product. This is a brand that has formed their own niche in a crowded marketplace by using the best materials available & by walking to their own drummer despite what is the current trend. This is a brand that actually answers to their customers & ensures that they don't stand behind, but instead stands with their products.
Not to be pretentious, but I have seen the owner of the brand take damaged items & return them to the customer free of charge. I've seen items that are on their second or third owner stand up to the vigors of everyday life none the worse for wear. I've seen a forum member undergo a horrible occurrence & Haraki-San has gone the length to give this person a signed shirt & a pair of jeans (can not forget about Self Edge on this front). I've gotten Christmas cards from these people, & when I was going through a difficult time G$ actually checked up on me just to say, "hey, hope all is well."
With all that said, I hope you can understand why a spot on your impressive rooster will not be able to contain Iron Heart. It's so much more than just a clothing brand. It's the silent integrity of the items. It's the unspeakable quality and the timelessness of their designs. In my humble opinion, any "spot" is just not acceptable or worthy of what they do.
all the best,
monday on a tuesday night
**staycrank i'm sure this will not deter you from getting other brands for your lookbook, but you need to get an inkling of the devotion that is out here for these people & what they do. Please leave us stubborn folk with our Iron Heart
This is a brand that has formed their own niche in a crowded marketplace by using the best materials available & by walking to their own drummer despite what is the current trend. This is a brand that actually answers to their customers & ensures that they don't stand behind, but instead stands with their products….
It's so much more than just a clothing brand. It's the silent integrity of the items. It's the unspeakable quality and the timelessness of their designs. In my humble opinion, any "spot" is just not acceptable or worthy of what they do.
I have to agree 1000% with your sentiments. The above quotes particularly resonated with me and I think really say it all. -
I have to agree. I was looking for a make of clothing that put the emphasis on quality, a company that had some moral integrity, that didn't rush off to China to broaden their profit margins. This brand (I HATE that term…thanks Naomi Klein!) has all that and more. How many clothing companies make denim blankets for the grandmas of valued customers/friends? In the cut-throat consumer world of clothing retail, Iron Heart stands proudly apart. It undoubtedly exists to make money, no-one would deny that, it simply does that without making one feel exploited. We all come out feeling like we're an important part of the process. two pennies worth. I'll undoubtedly be keeping an eye out for your Lookbook whatever decision is taken and wish you all the best with it. -
Thank you people. You have said some extraordinarily nice things about Iron Heart in this thread. And some of what has been said crystalizes exactly what Haraki and I try to achieve - Thanks again.
The intent of starting this thread was not to solicit praise, but to get your views on what I should do.
The answer was no.
Monday, I'm deeply impressed by what you wrote. This is why I love this forum, the folks round here and the brand.
as ever Monday comes up with the good stuff any day of the week!
we have a thread "Iron Heart in the Press or on other Sites" which has content collected from around the various sources of media . . . and i think we are all very proud to see these and understand the potential benefits from them;
we also had a fairly vigorous discussion regarding IH growth and whether quality would be maintained . . . again the range of opinion gave clear indication to our thoughts on the brand;
it is clear then that IH needs to 'advertise' the product and in fact if IH was so difficult to discover then a great many of this family would not currently be proud owners or have had this level of communication (and fun).
perhaps then, our joy on this discovery, pride in our purchase and depth feeling towards the brand make us a more defensive and maybe even a little arrogant towards the type of approach from Solediction?
i believe we need to see the widest picture and embrace real opportunities when the present themselves . . . the way we greet all the great new members to this wonderful forum
i'm not trying to make a particular case for, or against, Solediction (although I do agree with general consensus so far) - but just trying to think about how we consider things, form judgements, set criteria etc
on this occasion do we feel association would be detrimental? or are we opposed to seeing IH with certain other brands? all of these things and more need to be considered
i suppose from my point of view i love the enduring quality and timelessness IH brings, and that seems to be at odds with the phrase 'lookbook', which to me suggests a moment or short period in time . . . à la mode, if you will . . . but then again we have our own, albeit a private version of a lookbook now.
i also believe that these self appointed 'style' forums will help grow our community . . . fashionistas (the majority) might buy something, and will discard when the next look arrives, but aficionados (the minority) will stay and appreciate as we have done
the decisions are tough and i think we are grateful Giles lets us have our opinion . . . and that he also values them