USA Mega Trip - July & August 2022
I mean, I assume you can't get on a plane to head home if you're positive
well I was just thinking about this the other day. you can, because most countries no longer require pre departure tests or on arrival tests any more. whether you should is a totally different question..
Oh boy, I didn't like flying to begin with! Didn't realize they stopped requiring a negative test. Do they scan foreheads still?
tbh, forehead test does fuck all. not everyone will run a temperature.
I've done quite a few trips internationally towards the end of the pandemic (end 2021). Then, you'd require both departure and arrival test and loads of document checks. but between then and now, a lot of requirements have been relaxed (almost minimal to none) bar a few countries that are reluctant to do so..
I agree that the forehead test isn't great, but it's indicative of at least a minor amount of caring about COVID. If they're not even zapping foreheads, they just don't care.
The show must go on…
Tested negative on Sunday, and again yesterday so back in an airport. This time Jet Blue @ JFK and heading down to the Bahamas for a bit of a vacation and some time working remote before heading into Charlotte.
Huzzah! Glad to hear it, Alex! Enjoy your time off.
They do make metal detectors that can detect fevers though. That should probably be pretty widespread at ports of entry given the pandemic-riddled future ahead of us.
If they're not even zapping foreheads, they just don't care.
Or they have determined that the risks are so slight, that it's just not worth it. I had to jump through a lot of hoops to enter Japan, but one of those hoops was not a forehead zap…..
I guess that's fair.
Every friend or family member that has traveled lately by plane has caught it. But maybe it wasn't transmitted on the plane, maybe it was at the airport or at a restaurant. Who knows.
I'm pretty relaxed on the plane, not so in the scrum that is the airport…..
I don't think I would hate flying as much as I do if the whole process were more casual. Sorta just saunter into the airport, get served a drink on a platter, have someone walk up and take your bag, walk into the plane and enjoy the ride. Make it more like I'm being seated at a restaurant and less like I'm going away for 20 years for armed robbery
People have forgotten how to act. Brandi tells me on almost every flight of a neighbor doing something unconscionable like watching TV without headphones at full volume, or flossing, or ignoring their kids as they kick chairs and scream uncontrollably (those kids have approximately a 0% chance of not becoming assholes themselves, and perhaps are well on their way already).
The human race is devolving into a cluster of islands unaccountable to anyone but oneself, and without a care about anyone else.
Now you have touched a nerve.
A couple of flights ago, on the way back from Morocco, I sat next to a (quite large) guy, who watched shite on his phone for the whole flight, with no headphones.
When we landed, he asked me if he could use my phone to call his taxi, because he had run his phone battery to zero.
I told him that he could fuck right off…..
The next 10 minutes were a little uncomfortable, but FFS.....
Getting stares for holding a door open still shocks me. I'm not trying to do anything sinister, just being polite and using some manners instilled in me from an early age. I am teaching my kids the same manners…just imagine the travesty and consequences for their futures...
I hold doors for people if they're within a certain range regardless of their sex, and for any of them who have a problem with it… Well it's not my problem, it's theirs, and they can have it and I'll move on without a second thought. Sorry for them to carry such pointless and harmful mental formations, and I refuse to let them spread their issues to me. I have a harder time letting actions that impact me go, and I need to work on that, because people aren't becoming any less of assholes, and I don't need to escalate things as I am wont to do.
With all there is to worry about, or think about, or do, it's staggering that people get wrapped around the axle around general courtesy... People love being victims, don't they?
Now you have touched a nerve.
A couple of flights ago, on the way back from Morocco, I sat next to a (quite large) guy, who watched shite on his phone for the whole flight, with no headphones.
When we landed, he asked me if he could use my phone to call his taxi, because he had run his phone battery to zero.
I told him that he could fuck right off…..
The next 10 minutes were a little uncomfortable, but FFS.....
HA! That one made me snort! The balls on that guy! LMAO
I work in a pretty progressive area of LA and I still hold the doors open for folks at the local coffee shop. I keep waiting for someone to hassle me about it, but so far, everyone has been very sweet. I do make a greater effort to hold it open for women, I have to admit (terrible upbringing, I know!), but if I'm going through the door and anyone is close by behind, I'll hold it for them.
…it's amazing where a simple, please or thank you will get you in life!! Simple wish is that everyone would just for 1 minute just think about someone else...
...and if you ever think that you are better than someone else, STOP...and check your attitude.
I'm sorry for derailing the thread and am off the soapbox now.