IHSH-332-SAX - Ultra Heavy Flannel Anniversary Check Western Shirt - Sax
I might have to break my work shirt only rule for this one.
It'll be my first western from IH…
Link doesn’t work. At least in Tapatalk it doesn’t.
You're right. It works fine on the web, though. Here's the link:
Is the overdying process for this shirt done hot like it is for the jeans?
I'm trying to figure out how much additional shrinkage will occur.
If it's overdyed hot then I wouldn't expect any additional shrinkage with normal washing, regardless if it's continually washed.
already a couple of these listed on eBay..
looking forward to trying this on tomorrow afternoon!
Wow the sleeves are very long ???
Have L in all of my UHF , will not work here. Shoulders too narrow, Arms too long -
Wow the sleeves are very long ???
Have L in all of my UHF , will not work here. Shoulders too narrow, Arms too longI think of the shoulder length as an extension of the sleeve length. Sometimes the sleeves do come out long, but the narrow shoulder keeps the cuffs from going too far down my hand. I can't say I've ever had a case where the narrow shoulder constricted my movement or made the shirt look strange.
I'm going to stick to my standard UHF size. I'm sure it will work out.
Looking forward for this so much. Gonna grab this and one for my wife. Wish more shirts came in lady sizes, but this is the first uhf in a while with a lady size, gonna have a matching set.