The Iron Heart 20th Anniversary Party
Party weekend's been a blast! It was great seeing faces old and new. Thanks to the crew for their love and hospitality and it was great seeing everyone again! Can't believe it has gone by in a blink of an eye.
The presence of dogs at the event was also welcome, and I didn't mind that @The Web Minions's beast Rupert was a bit boisterous.
Good to meet you too. That Rupert was a PITA….
Roger was a very good boy though.
It's hard to find any news words to describe this weekend, since all previous posters have summed it up quite perfectly. However, lets make it short: WHAT A BLAST!
I felt exactly like @ARNC
@ARNC:Today certainly feels weird. I had to check my wardrobe when I got up and the pics on here for confirmation that this weekend actually happened!
@Madame Buttonfly @Giles [/mention] @Alex all IH crew
Thank you very much for everything! This was an experience I will never forget.I took a few photos on Saturday which I'd like to share with all of you. Here is my Google Drive link to it:–ZV6VEWOztF7BMrUxgfWNm2uxnTEebh?usp=sharingSorry, if some of the photos are not perfectly sharp. Forgive me, but it was not that easy to enjoy that tasty Fallen Acorn beer all day while maintaining a steady hand and clear sight [emoji28]
PS. If you find photos of you, you'd like to share on IG, please feel free. However, I would appreciate if you just tag me "@fadecyde". I will also share some of them on my channel the next days.
PPS. @Madame Buttonfly you need to tell what that red wine was we had on your terrace? It was lovely!
PPPS. Thanks so much @Jeansman for giving @weftyarn @swiss-jeansfreak and me a lift! I hope I can return the favour someday!
@don_pipone thanks for sharing the Google drive! Great pictures.
Thanks for sharing @don_pipone ! Very cool to meet you and your friend @weftyarn !
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Thanks for sharing the pics @don_pipone, they are brillant. And great talking to you and @weftyarn.
Hey @Twistlock !
We will share some beers together the next year at the 21th Party! We have a deal, right?[emoji41][emoji109]Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
Had such a great weekend […] Im not a overly confident person keep myself to myself
I can certainly relate to this (both parts). We didn't get to speak over the weekend (too many people) but you certainly looked at home. It will probably take me a few more of these events before I start to loosen up a bit!
Was a real pleasure for me to meet you @ARNC
Unfortunately, I did not talk to you @Jcaz6996 but I realised you came with your boys which I think must have been great. I asked my two older ones (19 and 18 yrs) but they didn‘t consider it being „cool enough“ (actually nothing I‘m doing). Hopefully, we can have a chat next time.
Sorry about that bud hopefully next time we can have a chat
Was great having my two lads with me little stressful at times ,my youngest son was at home with his mum. I can definitely see Freddie getting into IH when he’s old enough think he tried on everything in the shopAlfie tried a pair of 777’s on they looked great on him but would outgrow them in no time .
Finally getting a chance to come up for air, and I must (as briefly as possible) say some thank yous - not going to even attempt individual shout-outs, I would be typing all week…
Firstly to everyone thanking me and Giles, you are very kind but I must make it clear that whilst I have spearheaded the planning for previous events, this year it was all down to Alex and his team, who did the most amazing job of planning and delivering the biggest and (IMHO) best ever (yet) Iron Heart party, thank you all for doing such a great job and working so hard.
Most importantly to each and everyone one of you who came from far and wide to celebrate with us, we are truly humbled and delighted, Giles and I can't even begin to say what a truly fabulous time we had with you all.
Thank you, Giles. Glad you like the pics.
We think the wine was this one:
Yeah! That's the one. Thank you!
Thanks for sharing @don_pipone ! Very cool to meet you and your friend @weftyarn !
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Thanks for sharing the pics @don_pipone, they are brillant. And great talking to you and @weftyarn.
@don_pipone thanks for sharing the Google drive! Great pictures.
Thank you guys! Much appreciated.
It was great meeting all of you too!