I’m so pissed I missed this. When did the emails go out!?
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[mention]seawolf [/mention] our EDC is surprisingly similar. Chris Reeve, GAH, Tudor….all the good stuff
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I’m so pissed I missed this. When did the emails go out!?
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Have to be a member of the EDLC on Facebook..
Oh ok, I fecking hate facebook so I guess I’ll have to do without. Thanks [mention]Kasi [/mention]
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our EDC is surprisingly similar. Chris Reeve, GAH, Tudor….all the good stuff
And of course, the key to my beloved GTI
Hey guys: I was looking at the Heavyweight Rosette Glasses Loop as a way to carry around the increasingly necessary reading glasses. Any experience with how practical that is? I mean in terms of: scratching the glasses, squashing the glasses when they constantly dangle from your neck etc. Alternative stylish setups to carry glasses welcome
Actually: just seen that both versions are not in stock anyway…
yea, seeing the glasses loop in person it has definitely shot to the top of my wants list. currently saving for the goosebumps one and probably the smallest size curb chain. looked great and had a really good weight to it.