IHJ-110-OLV - 12oz Moleskin Modified Type III Jacket - Olive
It arrived, and it fits
you definitely wore it better though, broader shoulders, and that indigo shirt goes nicely. Need to get myself a tee with a bit more blue in it, this was the closest I have.
*mental note, photos next to a standing desk makes me look like a midget to be fair I'm only 5′ 7″ so not that far off ::)
Does this serve well in warm conditions? Considering it as a three-seasons jacket.
Does this serve well in warm conditions? Considering it as a three-seasons jacket.
I wore it over a T yesterday here in southern California. It was about 71F. It was perfect out of the sun, but might have been a bit warm had I been in direct sunlight for more than 20 mins.
@EdouardDV There is a very nice moleskin CPO dropping in the not so distant future which might ease your pain
@Alex - is there any chance of a restock of this jacket? - thanks - Bill