Ship John
Mine was slated for April I believe? So yea yours should be sooner than later as well!
Mine was slated for April I believe? So yea yours should be sooner than later as well!
@Danimal506 how did you find out it would be months early? That’s exciting!
@Danimal506 how did you find out it would be months early? That’s exciting!
They emailed me Friday and said it will be ready in 6-8 weeks.
Which puts it near February. With time left to wear it before summer!I’m Group 14 which was initially for April 2023.
@Danimal506 Sweet–I'm G20 so, hopefully, I'll receive a similar email down the road!
I'm G16 so maybe I'll get mine in time for some wear before summer hits!
Edit: Just today got the email about sizing confirmation for G16, which was supposed to be June 2023 but could be February. Sweet. Still trying to nail down sizing but am pretty hyped.
Just got the email confirming my size, so I'm super psyched to say mine will be arriving earlier than expected as well.
Curious — do the sleeves scrunch up with time on these? I'm going with an L regular because I'm not really into the the body looking overly long in any way. The 25.75 seems just fine for sleeves, but I do wonder if they'll actually get shorter as some creasing in the arms sets in. Anybody have experience with this?
Fwiw I'm 6'2" but any time I've ever ordered anything in a long size, I've regretted it.
I can't wait to get that email myself. Funny, I'm also 6'2 and I've regretted it anytime I didn't go for LT lol!
I'm doing a bit of research… it does seem from looking at pics that the arms do accordion up a bit with wear. This might be the time I do wanna opt for long.
I'm doing a bit of research… it does seem from looking at pics that the arms do accordion up a bit with wear. This might be the time I do wanna opt for long.
I originally had a large regular and at first I was happy with it but the arms shrunk up a bit and the shoulders got tighter - traded for a large long and never looked back. Wore mine today actually. I’m 6’1” 185-190 ish lbs.
@popvulture Yeah that’s the regular. It fit well standing still but with movement the sleeves felt short and the shoulders were constricting… which worsened with wear. The long version is perfect in my opinion. Too bad there isn’t as way for you to try them both out.
Thank you — this really helps! I think the long is looking more and more like the way to go.
Looking at that pic, I think the extra inch in the body feels like the right call, and the sleeves look a little shorter than I'd expect for 25.75", but I can see the scrunch in the arms. Makes sense with the thick/rigid material. I think previously I'd been picturing this in terms of a type III or something, which I'm not a big fan of being too long, but the chore coat vibe definitely warrants a little more length.
Loooool right? I remember placing my order a couple years ago and being like this is a jacket FROM FUTURE TIMES.
Edit: actually looking back it was only a little more than a year ago but it feels like forever. Definitely have ever waited this long for an article of clothing.
this is a jacket FROM FUTURE TIMES.
Mine is scheduled for a year from April. Or was it August…hmm....
For you guys who are waiting for delivery of the wills, another cool waxed coat is heatstraps cheif. Its insulated and beefy AF. They have some stock now in different colors. Ive got a blue one and I really like it. I think its got a place along with my wills. I love both so much.
@popvulture get the long. I think anyone over 6 feet tall should get the long. The sleeves definitely get shorter after breaking in.
fwiw, I've both v1 and v2, with the latter featuring a two-way zip (ftw) and lining. I find v1 to be infinitely more wearable. If memory serves, they're both equal weight and I don't think the lining adds substantially more heft, but I'm not wearing v2, it's wearing me.
they're both monumental, and definitely worth the (insane!!) wait. v2's 2-way zip makes it worth the price of admission alone.
That's interesting — I heard many people say that v1 was a bit harsh on the inside due to being unlined. I feel like at the very least I'll appreciate the smoothness of a liner. I was just wearing my MF Campus yesterday, and the unfinished interior makes it a hassle to put on over a long sleeve shirt. But then again, there is a simplicity I appreciate in unlined stuff.
I ended up changing my order to Long, seemed like the obvious route after hearing y'all's input, and others.
@popvulture Definitely right call on the long. Especially if you are used to iron heart shirts.