i'm planning on it for sure. just gotta get put the cash aside. Home repairs first though….
I got my Stows earlier this week. Very excited! The fit is great, and with a slight modification, they're even better looking than expected.
In case you can't tell from the bad cell pic, they're espresso w/ Dainite sole. I had The Shoe Healer refinish the sole edge trim in neutral, which they did free of charge. -
Perfect ! I have the Stow in black for work .. with a suit they give the look a touch of Victoriana which i like .. and the acorn-coloured Stow for jeans etc…When the chap in the shop told me they'd not changed the look of the Stow for decades,i knew i'd come to right place.
For those of you after a pair,and can get to the shop in Jermyn St,it's a fantastic old school experience.
The place just exudes history,from the picture of the Queen on the wall,to the fantastically knowledgable and polite staff...they even called me 'sir' which i found a little embarrassing but reassuring at the same time.
It's just great to know that this sort of shop still exists in this day and age,where you can take your time,know that you have a quality product made properly and ethically,and won't be sold something if it's not right for you....sound familiar? -
Nice those! I echo the above regarding the quality. This is one reason I love my Tricker's. You know that they are still made the same way they were years ago.
Finally took the plunge and picked up a pair of Tricker's. These are the Belgrave oxfords, from the 1829 collection.
Actual color is somewhere between the two, but closer to the second shot. Too bad my crappy photography skills don't do them justice. They really are beautiful shoes.
Waiting to get stuff sucks
I have a that pair of Trickers Eaton from LSH. They're a bit tricky to polish if you want to keep the burnished look without turning them dark using the black Tricker's polish LSH (or Trickers) included. I can try to take a photo, but mine are more of a Walnut color now.. I'm trying to find a belt to match.
Some boot pics here as requested by nameness.. Truly a great pair.. Though my indys are slightly more comfy!
I'm a RW US 8 D
trubalance US 8.5
barrie US 8.5
and this pair on a 4497 I'm an UK 8 -
Read about your issue with Aldens some time back G. Glad that they bring you some alternatives..