Random Rants
2). I changed the specs of the project which altered the scope of work.
TBF, if that were to happen, you'd want to specify the changes and their impact to the charges in an amendment or else you're effectively giving the person carte blanche to charge whatever they want.
I mostly approve of Jared Polis, Colorado’s centrist Democrat governor. But the utility oversight panel that he appointed just rubber-stamps rate hikes by our for-profit utility company, who is at record profits right now and just raised rates significantly, and also drags their feet on adding solar power to the grid.
The perverse economics at play for something so essential being run by a for-profit organization is supposed to be regulated by this board. Having become complicit in an immoral rate hike that is forcing families to choose between freezing and stable finances is an unconscionable act. Gas prices, for the record, have gone down.
Fuck this shit. Sick of being a mark all the time, and being a natural monopoly, a mark without options.
Money always wins.
I'm into it!
I actually have been thinking about a bugout compound off as many grids as possible. I know some folks who have one in WY that is fricken nuts, pallets and pallets of ammunition, food, etc on a gigantic ranch. And for some reason, pallets and pallets of toilet paper… like, wouldn't it be smarter to have a bidet and make more room for food?
/idle McLain thoughts
When the storage of electricity becomes more efficient, I plan to switch to solar and possibly wind. The current issue with that system is the batteries (maintenance and longevity). Ontario hydro (electricity) is brutally expensive and our current bills are 50-53% delivery and admin charges and the rest is usage.
Stayed at airport last night for early flight this morning. Got to the ticket agent and no tickets…
We booked the vacation as a package (stay and flights). The agent reserved the flights but never paid the airline, and the airline cancelled the tickets. We were charged for the flights by the agent…
After an hour in phone call discussions, the agent admitted oops…our bad. Tickets booked tonight for JFK, connecting to TCI tomorrow morning. Extra night stay at the resort to make up for the loss of a day due to mistakes and mishaps.
Hopefully not an omen…and trying to stay positive.
I mostly approve of Jared Polis, Colorado’s centrist Democrat governor. But the utility oversight panel that he appointed just rubber-stamps rate hikes by our for-profit utility company, who is at record profits right now and just raised rates significantly, and also drags their feet on adding solar power to the grid.
The perverse economics at play for something so essential being run by a for-profit organization is supposed to be regulated by this board. Having become complicit in an immoral rate hike that is forcing families to choose between freezing and stable finances is an unconscionable act. Gas prices, for the record, have gone down.
Fuck this shit. Sick of being a mark all the time, and being a natural monopoly, a mark without options.
Thank Bonzo Ronnies' crew for deregulation of everything As David Stockman said in the '80's the hogs are really feeding at the trough. Little did he know.
I'm into it!
I actually have been thinking about a bugout compound off as many grids as possible. I know some folks who have one in WY that is fricken nuts, pallets and pallets of ammunition, food, etc on a gigantic ranch. And for some reason, pallets and pallets of toilet paper… like, wouldn't it be smarter to have a bidet and make more room for food?
/idle McLain thoughts
People love tp man. It’s always the first thing to go in a crisis. Probably cuz everyone is shitting themselves.
Stayed at airport last night for early flight this morning. Got to the ticket agent and no tickets…
We booked the vacation as a package (stay and flights). The agent reserved the flights but never paid the airline, and the airline cancelled the tickets. We were charged for the flights by the agent…
After an hour in phone call discussions, the agent admitted oops…our bad. Tickets booked tonight for JFK, connecting to TCI tomorrow morning. Extra night stay at the resort to make up for the loss of a day due to mistakes and mishaps.
Hopefully not an omen…and trying to stay positive.
I'd have a hard time staying positive. I'd probably be in full rampage mode by now…
On the other hand, I had a travel related mishap way back in my youth days.
My whole family planned a 4 week vacation in NY.
At the airport in Frankfurt, I was told that my passport would expire during my stay in the US - nobody had checked that before. Went back home alone, applied for a temporary passport, and flew to the states a week late, quite an adventure at the age of seventeen! -
I'm into it!
I actually have been thinking about a bugout compound off as many grids as possible. I know some folks who have one in WY that is fricken nuts, pallets and pallets of ammunition, food, etc on a gigantic ranch. And for some reason, pallets and pallets of toilet paper… like, wouldn't it be smarter to have a bidet and make more room for food?
/idle McLain thoughts
People love tp man. It’s always the first thing to go in a crisis. Probably cuz everyone is shitting themselves.
So hilarious how dub the herd is…. They worry about TP BEFORE they worry about the thing that makes TP necessary... Literally ass-backwards
I'm into it!
I actually have been thinking about a bugout compound off as many grids as possible. I know some folks who have one in WY that is fricken nuts, pallets and pallets of ammunition, food, etc on a gigantic ranch. And for some reason, pallets and pallets of toilet paper… like, wouldn't it be smarter to have a bidet and make more room for food?
/idle McLain thoughts
People love tp man. It’s always the first thing to go in a crisis. Probably cuz everyone is shitting themselves.
So hilarious how dub the herd is…. They worry about TP BEFORE they worry about the thing that makes TP necessary... Literally ass-backwards
Yes I can confirm from personal experience that TP goes down the list of concerns when you're filling your bathtub with shoveled snow to have water to flush your toilet
Oh, snap! For a second I was wondering if you were back in Jackson @popvulture with all their water woes but then I remembered the ice storms in TX. Godspeed!
Hahaha the infrastructure is decaying everywhere I turn! But yep in TX at the moment. Ice storms this time around haven't been as bad, been lucky — lotsa people I know though still without power.
Guaranteed this is a new one:
So the neighbors have a contractor doing something that involves insulation removal.
This morning I was in meetings wall to wall and was wondering why it was sleeting on such a warm sunny day.
Come to find out that this contractor has massed five feet of insulation in my driveway, on my car, and in my neighbor’s yard, and his fix for it was to simply blow the mess into my yard. When asked whether it was asbestos (from a home built in 1960), he didn’t know. Samples are being tested now. Even if it’s just cellulose, I’m full of rage and confusion for having this mess foisted upon us. There’s really no way to get this shit out of grass, mulch, and window wells, unless it does turn out to be asbestos and we have a hazmat team come out.
Just unbelievable.