IRON HEART FORUM MIGRATION - Help Us Make the New Forum Even Better
@jtaylor69 Thank you and I’m sorry for not properly consulting the faq page.
So much easier to browse via iphone now!
Is anyone else having trouble logging in through tapatalk?
I made it on here. That's an accomplishment.
@Anesthetist just curious. Why bother with TT when the new version seems to work so well on mobile?
Omg, I am wishing hard for Tapatalk. Change is very hard for me, so this will take a lot of getting used to. Probably should’ve done the beta. I think that the new forum doesn’t play with Tapatalk @Anesthetist
@Anesthetist said in IRON HEART FORUM MIGRATION - Help Us Make the New Forum Even Better:
Is anyone else having trouble logging in through tapatalk?
Doesn't work for me. But I didn't expect it to work with the new site. I was under the impression that one of the main reasons for the redesign was to make it more mobile-friendly so that we didn't have to use the likes of TT.
TT has been so unreliable for me. Happy to be rid of it.
Yep, Tapatalk no longer supported with the new forum platform @Anesthetist .
@pechelman yep, they will do. Due to server errors experienced yesterday we're a little behind where we'd like to be. Forum -> Shop links will be implemented today hopefully as well as Shop -> Forum updated the other way
@Twistlock @sabergirl @Anesthetist @Paul9221 I have written a little about why no more Tapatalk in the FAQ's here
@AdamJ said in IRON HEART FORUM MIGRATION - Help Us Make the New Forum Even Better:
@Oaktavia We can make it as many as you want! Ultimately, the upvotes (which link to reputation) don't have any long-lasting effect other than showing how rad people think your posts are!
Edit: I've raised it to 100
I love raising awareness of radness! Thanks bro.
perfect! love the new forum.
side note: can anyone help delete an account? I have a duplicate account because of tapatalk. I want to update my email address but I don't think I can as it'll probably say, account is already in use..
Just a heads up to people having issues receiving password resets:
Even though I get emails from Ironheart on a regular basis, my email provider (MSN) was flagging the Ironheart domain as unsafe/junk/spam. I have my setting where it doesn’t even go to the email folders and I was not receiving the password reset link.
To fix: go into your setting and add to your safe domains list and you should be able to get the password link.
Hope it helps someone.
To the IH Crew, can you have the minions look into why I could receive everything from you guys, but for some reason the password link would have been flagged.