Photograph and Camera talk
Death Valley outside of Twentynine Palms. Hasselblad 501cm, Zeiss 80mm, Kodak Portra 400
Love it @moto
Still 80% film, mostly 501cm and pentax67. Some Leica.
Freezer full of portra and Agfa 25/100. Developing with Rodinal.
For me, digital can’t replicate the magic of film (yet).
Love it @moto
Still 80% film, mostly 501cm and pentax67. Some Leica.
Freezer full of portra and Agfa 25/100. Developing with Rodinal.
For me, digital can’t replicate the magic of film (yet).
. You’re bringing back fond memories as Rodinal was my go to back when I was developing my own film.
Great photos @Jett129 and @ChaseD
@ChaseD what camera is that your shooting with? I don't recognize the waist level finder, I shoot with a Hasselblad sometimes and love using WLF cameras in general.It's a Rolleiflex 3.5F with an upgraded ultra bright screen. One of my favorites. Great work with your Hasselblad! I shoot mostly B&W, and with the looks of things coming down the pipeline from Kodak on price increases on color, it's likely to stay that way
Breakfast with a view on Port de Soller (Mallorca) on our Air BnB's balcony in 03/2022.
Just ordered a print of this to surprise my better half.
Planning to hang it in the kitchen, hope she likes it. -
Not sure if I ever posted these here.
Joust found them browsing through my 23mm favorites.// Urban bird
// Non urban cow
Haha, sometimes it’s not the picture that makes the memories, right? I love these shots where you just give your everything and eventually the path to the picture gets so memorable the actual outcome becomes more and more irrelevant.
Still, that is a great shot right there. The color of the pigeon’s throat Is mesmerizing and the guy with the backpack in the background is sharp enough to attract interest but not too much to take away too much attention.
Spent some days in Cologne for a business trip
and, as always, made use of the waiting times at the track.My lousy attempt at being a motion blur photographer:
A few more:
How long am I supposed to wait until the x100v is back in stock ? lol its nowhere to be found and im not going to pay an extra 500-1000 more for one on e bay just to have it now.
Maybe at the end of the year?
Anybody hear anything ? -
Thanks guys @goosehd @Jett129
The pigeons are also my favorite. There’s something about that subway lighting that makes it very special.@dinobarnesberlin You might as well wait for the X100VI (next gen) at this point? I have no official information, but with the release and rollout of the new X-Trans 5 sensor in the X-T5 and X-H2 last year, the implementation of that sensor in the next X100 version might be close. And you’d probably even safe money considering the price the X100V goes for right now.
Or, if you want to have one asap, maybe consider one of the older versions (X100T / X100F). They’re a bit more accessible I think and their still pretty nice cameras.
Just my two cents, hope it helps…
@tody Oh man, what a pity! If I only knew.. I’m in Cologne quite regularly though (I believe 4 times over the last 6 months alone), so I’ll definitely make sure to hit you up next time for a Kölsch and some IH talk
On another note: I’m really digging your hometown! So authentic and vibrant. -
@weftyarn I think you might be right as far as holding out for the newest version to arrive. Ive got to believe that the overall hype has been legit based on the videos I've seen.
The older models are probably just as good---but that image stabilization is a must have for me---my nickname is Shakes Malone
Thank for the input man--- -
@Giles Thanks for this heads up Giles--watched the video's attached and like this model quite a bit.
Thing is I really need some stabilization when I shoot. Not going to use a trip-pod on the streets or on a walk.
Its not that I even NEED this camera --I usually shoot Nikon and have for years now.
But this Fuji just , dont know...speaks to me somehow.
If there is one thing I've got..its patience. unless it comes to a piece of IH that I absolutely must have!