IH-888XHSib - 25oz Indigo/Black Sample Thread
Man, I hope I am back from Colombia when these come out. They don't have too great of cell service in the jungle.
@filthy - I’m sure most of us old timers would back you, but holler at me if you need me to snag you a pair in advance. I know these are up your alley.
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@Appfaff okay I will keep that in mind. Thanks a lot!
Sure thing dude @filthy
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Ahh, man… I am so torn at the moment between these and the lefty OD Type III. I've been wanting that OD jacket for months now, but that's extant and these are gonna be gone. Decisions, decisions. And to anyone who's about to type "Get both!"... that is not an option! Not this year, anyways.
Seriously… this dilemma is occupying an embarrassing amount of my time. I guess that's how I know my life is just wicked chill. First World problems!
I've been wanting that OD jacket for months now, but that's extant and these are gonna be gone.
The levelling question here is do you have a realistic need for either an OD type III or pair of blue/black jeans? I don’t mean an existential need, but does either fill a gap in your wardrobe? If so buy that one.
If the answer is no or not really then your above logic is impeccable. This is a very special denim and won’t be around very long.
I've been wanting that OD jacket for months now, but that's extant and these are gonna be gone.
The levelling question here is do you have a realistic need for either an OD type III or pair of blue/black jeans? I don’t mean an existential need, but does either fill a gap in your wardrobe? If so buy that one.
If the answer is no or not really then your above logic is impeccable. This is a very special denim and won’t be around very long.
Sage advice. They both represent gaps in my wardrobe, but I think maaaybe the Lefty OD is a slightly bigger gap. Blue jeans I have; a Type III I do not. Either way… pondering which nice item of clothing to drop half a grand on is a nice problem to have, I suppose!
You don't have a single Type III? You've gotta get one! And the OD Type III is so good!
Yeah; I'm leaning towards the Lefty OD the majority of the time, so I imagine that'll be what I get. If the Lefty restock comes before this release, that'll just make the decision way easier for me!
X post from xhsib
Looking good dude. Did you wash those?
I did a cold wash/soak last night. So two hot soaks and two cold wash soaks in a tub with some soap.
I'm going to wait for a long ass time before mine see water again. I'd be interested to feel the hand of yours now that they are broken in. These seem like they are going to get thay same leathery silky hand that the regular 25 XHS has. They get so soft. Although mine are already pretty sweatpantsy after 2 days. They are surprisingly comfortable. But I am pretty spoiled because the 23oz UHR is so crazy soft and smooth. If I remember correctly they took a couple months to get that very smooth hand.
Sweatpantsy? Do you live in a sandblasting cabinet? If sweatpants are Raffi, my jeans are Burzum right now. Hard to imagine them being anything approaching comfortable in the next few days, but I’ll defer to the more knowledgeable here and take it as encouragement to power through.
Sweatpantsy? Do you live in a sandblasting cabinet? If sweatpants are Raffi, my jeans are Burzum right now. Hard to imagine them being anything approaching comfortable in the next few days, but I’ll defer to the more knowledgeable here and take it as encouragement to power through.
my original pair of 666-XHS were the most ridiculously soft jeans I have even seen or owned. After about 2-3 months they get very pliable and the roughness of the hand kind of smooths out to the point where they feel like a combination of suede mixed with silk. This is my 6th pair of 25 XHS.
Here's a picture of them.
Sad I missed the boat on these. Oh well.
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Sad I missed the boat on these. Oh well.
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There may be one more ferry yet to depart…