Random questions to which you seek an answer
Hey Giles, growing up were you a (big) fan of Python?
I totally loved it at the time, we used to watch it together as a family and found it hilarious. Bought some DVDs a few years ago and realised that not all the sketches had aged well…
However, love it or hate it, MP was ground-breaking comedy way back then.
Mr Bean - OMG an embarrassment ::)
i really have been enjoying the monty python i have been watching lately because it was soooo ahead of its time with the social commentary that it was making for the audience of when it was first being released. (i also have been watching a documentary on mp, so its been making me appreciate it more) not to mention some of their skits are just plain ol' silly!
… and Atkinson joined some of the Pythons to do this sketch: http://tinyurl.com/3l3uccp
anybody know where to get PF Flyers Center Lo (re-issue) Color Navy in EU and for reasonable price?
Can't get them locally, and shipping from States is nowadays damn expensive (at least shops are…)
(shoes .com has them, and ships intl, but their shipping rate is high and they for some reason also charge customs+ VAT, which is odd, I'm sure I'll have to pay that when the shoes arrive...)
shiiite, I hate living in an uncivilized country. Seriously thinking of giving up dayjob and become a fullday importer or odd drygoods from abroad...
As much as I want to buy both I can't. I love em but I just don't wear em alot. The 634s i bought a week before the busters never seen any wear its freakin almost brandnew. All I know is 2 more jeans til 2012. A buster for sure and possibly an anniversary depending on the cut. That's it.
Besides I should have been buying some shirts! Haha..
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Care for your denim thread
http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=34.msg119#msg119 -
Do you even own a hairdryer, Seul?