IH-888-XHSib - 25oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Ind/blk
Great fit @UnTucked but what about the stacks?
^ They look great Anthony [emoji106]
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@Filthy:Great fit @UnTucked but what about the stacks?
I guess I'm just half-stackin'… I like my 2" cuff! Can't not cuff, lol
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Truth be told I was going to cuff mine too. But the stacks just happened the first time I put them on. Like it was meant to be.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, IH denim is hard to button. Whatever!"
No joke, it took me 25 minutes to button these (I know because I sent an email right before I started on them), and that's while not wearing them and using needlenose pliers to stretch the button holes. My fingers are throbbing, and for what it's worth, I'm a weight-lifter in my 30s. Jeeze!
I was a little disappointed when I got home and ran my pre-soak numbers to realize that I was sent a pair with the wrong measurements. The tag-size 31 should've had a waist of 31.3" and a thigh of 12.4" but instead I got one with a 32" waist and a 12.6" thigh. I tried them on though and the fit is snug. I actually don't know that I could've buttoned a 31.3" so it turned out to be a happy accident.
Will kick off the soak now and report back.
waist: 32"
thigh: 12.6"
inseam: 35.9"
@Paul9221 they only measure 2 pair and average them. The measurements vary a bit so each pair is unique and it might be the case that no pair has the exact posted measurements. The crew is always happy to try and get you particular measurements if you request (I requested a waist of 34.5 to account for shrink).
Like Nassim Taleb says: “never cross a river that is 4 feet deep, on average.”
It's all good. I wrote and Adam told me that I could swap them but asked me to try them on first. Thankfully, because I don't think I could do a pair that's too much smaller.
My ideal waist is 32, so if these get just a tiny but smaller in the waist and thigh, they should stretch to perfection.
@Paul9221 make sure you measure your jeans using the IH method when comparing to the IHUK charts. Different method results in slightly different measurements.
@Paul9221 make sure you measure your jeans using the IH method when comparing to the IHUK charts. Different method results in slightly different measurements.
Yeah, this isn't my first rodeo
I had two 888 in this order, the XHSib and the S-OD. The OD was spot on the measurements (31.5" waist and 12.25" thigh), so I know I wasn't measuring incorrectly.
But like I said, the measurements were a little off but due to the heft of these, it works fine. The OD is much tighter but I know that that fabric stretches very easily.
I received my size 33's yesterday - thanks IHUK crew!!! They are glorious, magnificent, awesome, amazing! Indeed, everything I was hoping and expected, and then some. I haven't had a chance to try them on, measure them pre- and post-wash, and take pics yet. Not sure when I'm going to soak, wash and get them hemmed, but I'll update as I do. If these get run again in the future, I might just cop another pair just to hoard them, LOL.
For the past few weeks I've been wearing my 888-NT's size 34's again. I've gained back some of my previous arse and thigh mass, and they are fitting better than when I was really thin over the summer. I'm now considering sticking with them for the remainder of the DWC2 just to see what'll happen to them. So that means the 888-XHSib might be hibernating for a while before they see much wear.
I received my size 33's yesterday - thanks IHUK crew!!! They are glorious, magnificent, awesome, amazing! Indeed, everything I was hoping and expected, and then some. I haven't had a chance to try them on, measure them pre- and post-wash, and take pics yet. Not sure when I'm going to soak, wash and get them hemmed, but I'll update as I do. If these get run again in the future, I might just cop another pair just to hoard them, LOL.
For the past few weeks I've been wearing my 888-NT's size 34's again. I've gained back some of my previous arse and thigh mass, and they are fitting better than when I was really thin over the summer. I'm now considering sticking with them for the remainder of the DWC2 just to see what'll happen to them. So that means the 888-XHSib might be hibernating for a while before they see much wear.
Gaining weight is cheaper than replacing your IH wardrobe
60 and sunny here today
Good on you for turning them inside out. I didn't bother. Also a fan dries them in like half the time
Good on you for turning them inside out. I didn't bother. Also a fan dries them in like half the time [emoji106]
I got the fan idea from you. And yeah, they're almost done! Good tip!
I'm wondering if the selvedge is going to stay flat once I turn them right side out. It's kinda closed up.
@Paul9221 this is why I was talking about ironing the selvedge…. use a spray bottle to get them damp and lay a t-shirt over the jeans to keep them safe from the heat and iron them flat on hot.
@Paul9221 this is why I was talking about ironing the selvedge…. use a spray bottle to get them damp and lay a t-shirt over the jeans to keep them safe from the heat and iron them flat on hot.
Yeah, I kinda pieced that together once I saw them close up
Can I do that ironing trick post-soak?
Okay so, I didn't get a lot of shrinkage on my tag-size 31, except for in the thigh, after two 110F soaks for a couple of hours each:
- waist: 32"
- thigh: 12.65"
- inseam: 36"
- waist: 31.5"
- thigh: 12.25"
- inseam: 35.5"
~~You know, I've never gotten shrinkage in the waist with unwashed denim. Are you guys doing anything with the waist while it soaks? Are you poking it with a stick or something?
I don't mind in this case because 32" is a very nice waist measurement for me, but it's just curious how I lost so much in the thigh (a good thing, I'm not complaining!) but nothing in the waist or inseam, which seems almost opposite of what most people are seeing.~~
Forget what I wrote above. Apparently the denim just needed to dry a bit more. I adjusted my post-soak measurements with the new numbers.
I have to add that flipping these right-side-out while slightly damp was almost as difficult as buttoning the button-fly. Jeeze!
@Paul9221 this is why I was talking about ironing the selvedge…. use a spray bottle to get them damp and lay a t-shirt over the jeans to keep them safe from the heat and iron them flat on hot.
Yeah, I kinda pieced that together once I saw them close up
Can I do that ironing trick post-soak?
yes you can. But you need water or it won't really work that great. Be sure to cover the jeans with something or the hot iron will put a sheen on where you iron.