2019 Printed Tees - IHT-1902/3/4/5/6
@Alex Are these going to be available without preordering? I am asking because i am always in between sizes with IH-Ts and would rather wait and see actual measurements.
Care to share which retailers that are?
Since they're loopwheeled, the body stays pretty consistent. Variation tends to be in the length, as neph says, or more rarely, in the sleeves.
Ahh, shoot. I waited too long on these. Too late to get in on 1902 and 1903? Do you guys know if those two will show up at retailers?
Thanks. Do you know if that's all 5 going to retailers, or only some of them?
Based on past years, I'd guess it will be a mixed bag- most retailers that the them will only take a couple of styles, and not all will take the same ones. It really is just a crapshoot based on what they hope their customers will like.
Customers are unpredictable bastards.
damn. saw this thread too late!!!
any idea what this is? saw it on haraki's FB..
It is too late, yes, but they will show up at retailers and we will publish that list in due course
any idea when this list will be available?