The Mad Red Motherf**ker World Tour.
A little over two years ago I went to Gosport for @Giles kanreki. Amongst other things there was a leather jacket there, produced for IH. It was mad, it was red, it was awesome. Everyone who could fit in it tried it on. No one bought it. Not even @trail and arrow who loved it possibly more than he loves his rather lovely wife.
Skip forward two years and it's the 10th anniversary party… the jacket is still there. @trail and arrow tries it on again and looks as ridiculously amazing (or amazingly ridiculous) as he did the first time. Then he comes upon an idea. An idea so crazy, it just might work…. Let us buy this jacket. Let us tour the living shit out of it. It is too good, too silly, too rock and fekkin roll not to be given hell. Blackie Lawless would wear this jacket. Axl Rose would wear this jacket (ca. 1988 when he was still cool @Graham). Ryan Gosling's character in Drive would wear this jacket. You can wear this jacket.
I propose we crowd fund the purchase of this motherf*cking jacket. Giles would like $250 for it. That means five people paying $50, or ten paying $25. We wear it. We work in it, we upset our wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends and our significant others. We take pictures, we post them here. We give no fucks. Whose with me?
It's about an XL. If you wear XL in IH shirts you're golden. L you can layer. XXL let it hang open. It doesn't matter, you'll have done something impossible, and that makes you mighty. Let's do this. I ask again, who's with me?
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New town, new job - I’m in [emoji123][emoji123][emoji123]
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and exited! -
Excellent gentlemen. Just excellent. I’ll work out a schedule and organise shipping and payment details shortly.
That makes 10 of us. I think we’ll put a cap on it there. It means a $25 entrance fee and tour legs lasting roughly five weeks so we can turn it around in a year.
Am I too late?
What’s the P2P?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What’s the P2P?
No idea, @Giles ?
@scooter is an XXL in shirts I believe and he looked ready to tear down the gates of Hell and steal Satan's girlfriend in it. It should work. Seeing as you're a tour veteran and an all round good bloke, I'm sure we can squeeze you in
Awesome!! Thanks Reuben [emoji847]
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It's on. Here's the schedule:
October 2019 - @Aetas
November 2019 - @daynym
December 2019 -@Giles
January 2020 - @neph93
February 2020 - @trail and arrow
March 2020 - @Chap
April 2020 - @Appfaff
May 2020 - @DrBabyhorse
June 2020- @scooter
July 2020 - @Fadez
August 2020 - @Brock
September 2020 - @Matty123Americans, I apologise for giving you the summer months. On the other hand how cool is this jacket going to look with a white tee, worn jeans and a bad attitude on a summer evening? I'm looking at you @Appfaff
To confirm your participation I need you to send $23 to via PayPal. Please remember to cover the fee's so that Giles receives the full $23.
Thank you all gentlemen. I love it when a plan comes together…
You knew what I was thinking!
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Nice! Looking forward to sweating in this thing!!
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Paid up! [emoji383]
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