Wesco Chukka's
I really like that navy waxed flesh.
We will be taking pre-orders for the Chukkas any minute. Just finalizing pricing. Likely to be between USD450 and USD475 shipped.
For pre-orders, you will be able to choose your leather, sole, hardware and toe shape.
We will be initiating production runs in a couple of rough-outs leather These very likely being one of them…..
That grey roughout is stunning. I’m looking forward to seeing how these look with wide hemmed jeans and work pants. Shit, I hope, because them I won’t have to buy a pair, but I fear that is wishful thinking…
The only thing tripping me up is what leather I want lol
Way cool, G… Can't wait...
Couldn't agree more with this wise fella.
Gorgeous boots and I'm in on this venture for sure . . .
They look dreamy
I’ve built and rebuilt a pair of brown Boss in the online tool, but haven’t placed the order with G yet because… money and a (ahem) «few» pairs of Boss already in the house. But I’d be wanting to wear these with my 814’s and olive combats so the grey roughout would be amazeballs.
[emoji54] the veg tan looks amazing