Random Announcements
@goosehd said in Random Announcements:
I had to look it up...A&E is not Arts and Entertainment in this instance
Arse & Entry (thereof)
@EdH Since I usually have to put those folks under general anesthesia to undo/unscrew/unplug what they’ve done, I’ve heard a lot of excuses about how it got there.
My favorite is he forgot he set his floodlight bulb on the kitchen chair and sat on it after drying off from the shower. Oddly enough, it was the same way the patient before had gotten an extra large shampoo bottle stuck…and the guy with the tennis ball, and the guy with a pear, and on and on. -
@Anesthetist Laughing so hard I can barely catch my breath…
@Anesthetist I think there’s a lesson here about being nude, and walking around, and sitting down, but I’m not sure what it is
@Matt not long enough for that to happen. Pears do ripen in paper bags. Not too sure about rectums….
I’ll see my way out now.
@EdH yikes!
@Anesthetist they should man up and Own that floodlight! Yeah that's right, I jammed a giant light bulb up my ass and stuck my dick in a wall socket it was a enlightening experience last week it was a Minolta and telephoto lens. Sadly none of the photos came out thus the floodlight.
OK. I'm going to have to take the high ground here and move on to something a little more high-brow......
Thanks Giles. I've been meaning to post that baby bunnies are simply the cutest thing on this planet, after encountering many on my early walks this week, but was afraid someone'd have a story of a fella who stuffed a rabbit up 'is arse like some perverted magician...
Anyway: baby bunnies are the cutest thing on this planet.
@Seul said in Random Announcements:
I've was afraid someone'd have a story of a fella who stuffed a rabbit up 'is arse like some perverted magician
“Ninty-six percent of the patients required extraction while one passed spontaneously.“
The object or the patient…? 🫢 -
@steelworker said in Random Announcements:
…last week it was a Minolta and telephoto lens. Sadly none of the photos came out…that’s because you need to use a wide angle.@Giles Interesting read and I raised an eyebrow on two things:
- The dentures and I’m glad I read the entire study to understand that one.
- The earliest recorded incident was the 16th century. Gotta be proud of our ancestors, but I bet it goes back a little further than that.
@neph93 @Seul Glad to see you two joined the party, but you know rabbits are passé, gerbils is where it’s at.
Ok, I've got one more, told to me by a junior undertaker sat beside me at the barbers once. Sounds like it should have made it into the Darwin Awards.
So he was called out to collect a corpse. The undertakers get to the house, and the policeman attending says "you won't believe this one" as they go in. The guy had been upstairs and had managed to insert a long, cylindrical fish tank light up his todger, presumably for the purposes of self eroticism. He left it plugged into the mains electricity though, and managed to give himself an electric shock and cause the fuse box to trip. His wife had been sat downstairs watching TV when the power cut out, and went upstairs to find him with a wire coming out of his member, plugged into the wall, dead. He was still in this state when the undertakers got there.
@EdH said in Random Announcements:
and went upstairs to find him with a wire coming out of his member, plugged into the wall, dead
But he had a nice affro.....